Page 61 of The Non-Hook Up
In one, two men are fighting with boxing gloves, hitting each other continuously, whereas in the other ring, I see Danny and Malcom perched against the ropes, waiting.
If my heart was racing before, it's beating out of my chest now. I didn’t realise how fast and loud my breaths have gotten until Riley steps into my view, concern on his face as he looks at me. “You okay?”
I consider lying, but decide it won’t do shit to lie now. “Well, I’m standing in what looks like the set for Rocky, with big guys hitting things and I’m going to be expected to hit things and make an ass of myself in front of everyone. I’m the only girl here.”
One corner of his mouth tilts up, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Do you trust me?”
I just stare at him, answering before I can think. “Yes.”
His half smile turns into a full smile as he hands me the gym bag. “Then take this. There’s a change room over there.” I follow his finger and see they actually have a female changing room, which was comforting. “I got some clothes for you to change into. Once you’re ready, come out and you will see. I promise you have nothing to worry about.”
I shuffle my feet. “And if I’m never ready to come out?”
He laughs at that, shoving my shoulder playfully. “We know you’re tougher than that.”
I can’t help but smile and hope that he is right.
I come out,clenching my fists to suppress the anxiety growing in my chest, dressed in an oversized shirt that smells like Riley that almost touches my knees, which I tie at the waist, and a pair of black leggings and sneakers.
I tie my hair back in a messy ponytail, with strands of blonde hair hanging around my face, and instantly feel the eyes of the men waiting for me in the ring. I see them standing, gathered together with boxing gloves in their hands as they watch me approach with cautious steps.
Malcom meets me at the ring and pulls me up effortlessly with a kind and encouraging smile. “Nice of you to join us,” he says as he lifts the rope for me to enter.
Getting my footing in the ring, I suddenly feel very small in the large space. Not knowing what to do with my hands, I clasp them in front of me, feeling very uncomfortable.
Malcom places a gentle hand on my shoulder and smiles. “It’ll be okay. We’ve got you.”
He gives my shoulder a squeeze, and I force a smile, feeling a little better at his words, but the nerves are still getting to me, making it hard to loosen up. He nods his head, inclining, and I follow him to the centre of the ring where the others are gathered.
I force my legs to carry me forward and Danny meets me in the centre, looking equally kind as he crosses his arms over his chest. “How are you doing, kid?”
I shrug, letting the nerves slip, and he just chuckles. “Don’t worry, we are not here to laugh at you. We want to help, and we don’t wanna see anything bad happen to you. Not again.”
I nod, trying to relax, when Travis starts rolling his shoulders, looking like he's buzzed with energy. “Though it was fun breaking stuff over fucking dickhead faces.”
His grin is wild and unsettling if you aren't used to it, but that is something I’ve learned about Travis; he likes the finer things in life. Women, alcohol, and violence. Maybe I should invite him to a horror movie night. It would be nice to watch with someone who appreciates the violence.
I let a little chuckle slip at Travis’s enthusiasm, when the men part to let Riley through, holding a pair of red boxing gloves. Without asking, he takes my hands and starts putting the gloves on, talking the entire time with his focus on the gloves. “First, we’ll teach you some punches and kicks. It’s important you know how to do both without hurting yourself. Then we’ll teach you how to defend yourself if someone grabs you and how to get out of certain holds, then we’ll finish it up by putting you against someone.”
I almost don't hear him. “What?”
He looks at me like he doesn't understand why I'm freaking out. “Don’t worry, they won’t hit you, but you need to get used to the feeling of hitting a person. True, it’ll be different without the gloves, but I think it’s enough to get you by.”
“You’re gonna have me fight someone? It’s day one!”
“You will be fighting someone, but they won’t be hitting back. You will be fine.”
I open and close my mouth as I process this, the gloves now on my hands. “Well, who am I going to fight?”
“I’ve got someone coming,” is all he says over his shoulder as he makes his way to the other side of the ring, and Travis takes his place before me, with punching pads on his hands.
He claps them together, and I flinch at the loud noise before he holds them up, explaining, “When hitting someone, it’s important that you put your whole body behind it.”
“I’ve hit someone before,” I say defensively, thinking of a kid I hit when I was little. To be fair, I hit him like King Kong might bonk someone on the head, but it did the job.
Something tells me that was not what he was after as he raises his brows and pushes the pads out to me. “Alright, show me what you got.”
I awkwardly close my fist with the glove and drive it forward, hitting the pad like I see in movies, but instead of a look of appreciation, Travis shakes his head, dropping the pads to his sides.