Page 10 of Dragon's Assassin

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Page 10 of Dragon's Assassin

Chapter Four

“Why did you up andleavelike that?” Maggie asked, the look on her face a mix between laughter and wonder.

“Because he was staring at me like I was prime rib, and he was a starving man.”

“Isn’t that what you wanted?”

Taking a seat on the couch, Maggie patted the cushion beside her, but Alex was too wound up to sit. Pacing the length of the coffee table, she nodded then shrugged. “Yeah. No. I don’t know.” Running her hand through her hair, she growled, “Yes. No. I mean, yes, it was what I wanted. Itiswhat I want. I saw him and my heart just stopped. I was actually excited – like the good kind of excited, ya’ know?” Not waiting for an answer, she kept right on going. “I walked past him and took a seat. Hell, I smiled and crossed my legs for Goddess’ sake.” Shaking her head, sure she was losing her mind and needing her friend to confirm the diagnosis, she continued. “I was so sure he would at least come over and say hi – but nothing. Not one damned thing. He just kept staring, even when you and his friends were talking to him.”

Hands in her hair once more, she added with a growl, “He did nothing – nada, zip, zilch. I figured I was wrong for the umpteenth time and couldn’t face another failure. How could I have been so wrong? How could I have…?”

“Is he your Mate?”

Wondering if she should say it aloud, Alex threw caution to the wind and her hands out of her hair and into the air. “Yeah.” Nodding her head, she once again admitted, “I’m pretty sure he is.”

“Well, that’s good news, isn’t it?” Maggie nodded hopefully. “It’s what you wanted. Fate intervened and brought him right to you.”

“Oh sure, it’s great news. Except I have an expiration date stamped on my ass and that guy is not what I’d call a ‘fast mover’.”

“You do not have an expiration date on your ass, Alex.” Getting to her feet and coming around the coffee table, the She-Wolf stood in her path. Putting her hands on her shoulders, Maggie gently massaged her knotted muscles, love and friendship flowing from the tips of her fingers. “I know the rules just like you do. ‘Cause you told me, remember?” Bopping her head from side-to-side, making a funny face, she went on, “Just think about it for a second. If Creed – by the way, that’s his name - istheone. He’s a Paladin and everything. Y’all already have the whole Justice thing in common.”

“He’s a Paladin?” Alex yelped. “Not just a Dragon Guardsman, but a freakin’ Paladin. The best of the best. Holy shit! He’s never gonna be able to deal with my past. Time to throw in the towel before both end up hurt and heartbroken.”

“Now, wait just one damned minute,” Maggie snapped. “You need….”

Trying to turn out of Maggie’s grasp, Alex spun back towards her friend when the She-Wolf refused to let go. “Ineedto pace. I’ve got to think.”

“You need to calm the hell down and think.”

“Think about what?”

“That yes, that man –your man- was born a Paladin. He’s one of the strongest Dragons I’ve ever known and definitely one of the best guys to ever walk the Earth. Youneedto stop worrying. Being a Commander for the Universe’s long arm of the Law means Creed will understand better than most what you’ve been tasked to do. That you’ve followed yourtrueCalling against all odds. He will be one of the few people who gets exactly what your job is and how important what you do is to the world -for all of us.”

“You think?”

“Absolutely. I don’t just think, Iknowhe will,” Maggie adamantly growled, her eyes glowing with the Magic of her Wolf. “We’ve all heard the stories. Hell, I’ve heard them from the man himself. Paladins were called into being to become the embodiment of the Universe’s belief that Justice will prevail, that Good will win over Evil, and that no matter what, the world will keep spinning.” Giving Alex a little shake, she added, “You both have the same job, just different departments.”

“Well, that’s one way to look at it,” Alex groaned, letting Maggie lead her to the couch. Sitting down, she sarcastically chuckled, “He is one fine lookin’ man. Those blue eyes. That long curly hair with just the perfect amount of salt to pepper. That body – oh my Goddess, the muscles in his arms were miraculous. My fingers literally tingled. All I could think of was touching every inch of him.”

“Yeah,” Maggie snickered. “Those Dragons are something else. Hard-headed, but damn fine to look at.”

Remembering the funniest part of the evening, Alex laughed out loud, letting go of all the tension making her muscles ache. “I loved it when you whapped him upside the head with that towel.”

“Well, I had to do something to get his attention,” Maggie snickered. “The man was totally ga-ga. He was gone. Stunned into silence for the first time in his really long life – byyou. The second you walked in, he was deaf and dumb and only had eyes for you.” Pausing to laugh out loud, she nodded and chuckled, “The poor guy couldn’t believe his eyes. It was love at first sight and he was a goner, but you know how I feel about bein’ ignored.”

“I do.”

“Yeah, so, I bopped him on the head with a wet towel. It’s my go-to move for gettin’ people’s attention. Works like a charm.”

Falling back in the cushions, Alex chuckled, “It was the best. Shame you didn’t take pictures.”

“Yeah, I have my moments.”

“You sure do.”

Remembering that fine-looking Dragon, she let the image of him roll around her mind. Thinking about the way he’d looked at her warmed her heart and soul as no other ever had. Alex couldn’t stop thinking about the flames in his blue eyes and the way he made her feel. The scent of his arousal was like smoldering cherry wood. One whiff and it was hard for her to sit still.

“And you didn’t,”Verity, the Fairy with whom she shared her soul snorted, suddenly making an appearance.

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