Page 14 of Dragon's Assassin
Chapter Six
“Pull the damn trigger,” Amy growled through gritted teeth.
“I can’t”
“What the hell do you mean, ‘you can’t’?”
“I mean, I’m squeezing the trigger like it’s a fresh, ripe Pixie Pear and nothing’s happening. It will not…”
“It will not what?” The younger Fairy fumed. “Squeeze, bang, dead Dragon, and you get to ascend. Just fucking do it.”
“It. Will. Not. Squeeze.” Swinging to the right, she dropped the barrel of the Barrett M82 semi-automatic, anti-material rifle, she’d had specially modified to fit her hand and only her hand and shoved it towards her sister. “Here. You try. Finish the job. Prove me wrong. I can’t make it work. The damn thing Will. Not. Shoot.” Inhaling deeply as her mind searched for answers and sweat rolled down her spine. “Something is wrong with this gun, and this Mark. I can feel it in my bones. This shit stinks to high heaven.”
“When in the last thousand years have you not been able to use any weapon ever created? You even fired an arrow from a bow with a broken string in the forest outside Nottingham four hundred-and-fifty-years ago,”Verity, the Onyx Fairy with whom Alex shared her soul insinuated.“Have you already lost the taste for it? Are you ready for an early retirement? Did you leave your nerve in Valentine? Well, I’m damned sure not ready to be done and I’ve got enough gumption for both of us,”she snarled.“I want to squeeze out every last drop of living before I go on ice for the next millennia – and I’m not gonna let you ruin it for either one of us.”
“Well, it always has been all about you.”
“Oh, nice one,”the Fairy jabbed.“The little Assassin has claws. So, use them. Get this shit over with and let’s go back and have some of that amazing coffee and a dozen of those mouthwatering cookies.”
“I’m trying.”
“My patience,”Verity scoffed, her Scottish brogue returning with a vengeance.“How about you finish this job then go out there and find our Mate?”
“I did find my Mate,”Alex snarled.“Back in Valentine, and I would be sitting in Rodeo waiting for him to come back if I hadn’t been called away to complete this rush job.”
“Sure, you would,”Verity sassed.“Just like you did last night. Oh, wait, that wasn’t what happened. “What happened was…”
“I got up and left because I’m a big chicken,”Alex ground out through gritted teeth.“There. I said it. You didn’t have to. Feel better now?’
“No, not really. All I can think about is the fact that you need to get Mated so we don’t have to go bye-bye forever and ever amen.”
“Maybe it won’t be so bad. Just knowing I’ll never have to listen to you bitch anymore is reason enough NOT to go back to Valentine and meet the one the Universe made for me. An eternity of silence might be just what the Goddess ordered.”
“Oh, that’s just cold, Alex. Real cold.”
“But true.”Almost smiling despite the situation, Alex admitted her deepest, darkest fear.“Besides, like I was telling Maggie, would a Dragon – a Paladin, nonetheless - want to be Mated to an Assassin, the Black Fairy of all things - the Morrígan’s hired gun? How could he ever…?”
“Trust you?”Vertie pfft’d.“I’m gonna tell you just like that sweet She-Wolf did, only I’m not gonna mince words. Why wouldn’t that sexy hunk of Dragon want you? After you complete this assignment, you’re done. It doesn’t matter that you’re not a thousand years old yet. This is it. Finito. Done. Finished. The End. There is no one more honest, upright, and decent than you, Alessandro. Any man – no matter who or what he shares his soul with – should be and will be happy to live forever by your side.”
“Except for the fact that I’ve killed people on the Morrigan’s command for a thousand years.”
“You have killed criminals, the bad guys, those who would’ve hurt hundreds of thousands of millions of others. Those who were judged guilty and sentenced to die by the Celtic Goddess of War and the Jury of Others.”With her brogue getting so thick, Alex had to really focus not to miss the point of her tirade, Verity fumed,“You were simply the Executioner, not the Judge or the Jury. You were living your Truth – your Destiny – just as our Ancestors have done since the world started turning round and round the Sun.”
“Okay, I can see…”
“That you’re being a big baby?”Not giving Alex time to respond, the Black Fairy railed on.“Forget it. I’m not buying it. As soon as you finish this job, we’re out.”
“Yeah, you said that.”
“And it bears repeating because you’re not getting the picture. After today, we can go naked bungee jumping from the Empire State Building and there’s not a damn thing anyone - even the Morrígan - can do about it.”
“Except throw us – me – in jail for breaking about fifteen laws.”
“Human laws,”the Fairy corrected.“And you’re quicker than any regular cop. A snap of your fingers and you’re on the other side of the world – the universe – the galaxy. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, after this, you will be released from all bonds, promises, and duties owed. You can become a friggin’ nun if you want to. Although, if I get a vote, I’m sayin we don’t go that route.”
“If I don’t give you a vote, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“And speaking of me snapping my fingers and Magically keeping us out of jail. You know I can’t use Magic without good reason. There is…”