Page 2 of Dragon's Assassin
“Sure, I am.” Holding up his thumb and finger as if he might squeeze them together, the Viking squinted his eyes and looked through the opening. “At least a little bit. Maybe not Don Rickles hilarious, but still worth a laugh or two.”
“Not even a snicker.”
“Okay, prove me wrong,” Gunnar suggested, going back to the fridge. Getting out the ham, cheese, lettuce, mayo and mustard, even though it was almost ten at night, he didn’t miss a beat. “How long has it been since you had a date?” Holding up his index finger as he set everything on the table, he kept going when Creed tried to answer. “And I don’t mean, talking to the lady who rings up the steaks at the grocery.”
“I don’t do the shopping. Mac has the groceries delivered.”
Still going on as if he hadn’t spoken, Gunnar added, “Or the girl who delivers the pizzas or the Thai takeout. I’m talkin’ about a real date. One where you got dressed up, picked her up at her front door, and took her to nice restaurant.”
One hand in the air and the other draped across his stomach, the Viking pretended to ballroom dance. Creed couldn’t help but laugh out loud as all six-foot-ten of insane Viking twirled and spun around the kitchen, singing his next words. “Drinks at a classy lounge with a nice band and maybe some dancing, huh? Riddle me that big bad Paladin Leader. How long has it been?”
“Okay, I give. It’s been at least a decade…”
“More like three, but who’s counting?”
“Apparently, you are,” Creed groused. “But I could ask you the same thing.”
“Nope, no, you can’t,” Gunnar finally stopped dancing and shook his head. “’Cause I’m not the one sneaking out in the middle of the night like a randy teenager.”
“I was not…”
“Oh, really, you weren’t?”
“No, actually…”
Pausing to think, it was hard to hide his shock when he realized that for the first time in his very long life, Creed didn’t know how to express what he needed to say. Usually, the right words, the correct sentiment, the perfect tone – was all just there. It was part of who he was – decisive, fair, quick to action, always putting the fate of Dragonkin, mankind, and all other beings of the Light before all else. He’d been blessed by the Universe, born to be a Leader, and given all the tools needed to do the job he was created to do.
But this time…
“Okay, how about I just tell you what I’m feeling and…”
“You? Creed Mathers?Youwant to talk about feelings?”
“No,” he flatly answered. “I definitely don’twantto, but I think Ineedto.”
Pulling out a chair and plopping down, Gunnar shoved his long blond hair over his shoulders. Pushing everything he’d just gotten from the refrigerator to the side, he laid his palms on the table and exhaled slowly.
“What are you doing?” Creed asked, unable to fathom what his Brethren was up to.
“I’m preparing myself from some earth-shattering news.”
“Earth-shattering news?”
“Yeah, it’s got to be,” Gunnar nodded furiously. “You’ve never said, ‘I think’ and damn sure never said, ‘You needed to tell me anything’. So, I’m thinkin’ earth-shattering about sums it up.”
“And that’s why I keep you around,” Creed snickered.
“No,” Gunnar went from nodding to shaking his head. Poking himself in his chest with his thumb, he went on, “I stay because we’re a team and I took an oath. It’s got nothing to do with you, Dude.”
“Okay, we’ll just go with that for now. We both know the truth, you’d be lost without me, but I’ll let you hold onto your delusion for now.”
“Well, thank you so much,” Gunnar groaned sarcastically.
“You’re welcome so very much.”
Leaning back in his chair, Creed crossed his feet at his ankles and his arms over his chest. “I want to find my Mate.”