Page 7 of Dragon's Assassin
“Nanas are like that, aren’t they?”
“They darned sure are.” Reaching out and patting her hand, the She Wolf leveled her gaze and asked, “So, how goes the hunt for your Mate?”
“What hunt?”
“The one I told you to start the last four times you were in Valentine. The one that will keep you on this earth where I can give you a hard time forever.”
“I haven’t even given it a thought.”
“Okay, you’re right. I did think about it a couple of times. Even went on a couple of dates.”
“And?” Maggie’s eyes lit up as she clapped her hands. “Dish, girl. Give me the details. I want to know everything.”
“There’s nothing to tell.” Looking out the window, Alex sighed, “They all asked me what I did for a living, and I was stumped. Was I supposed to say, ‘Well, I’m theSìthiche Dubhwhich basically means that I’m the Morrígan’s Executioner’?”
“No,” Maggie scoffed. “You were supposed to make something up and have some fun until the man made for you by the Universe, the dude that makes your toes curl and your wings flutter, comes along.”
“Well, that’s what I was trying to do, but I have these pushy friends. They’re twins, She-Wolves, the Alphas of the Sampson Pack. You might know them.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” Maggie sassed. “You are hilarious. If we ever start Stand-Up Night here at Two Wolves B&B, I’ll be sure to sign you up.”
“Okay, so maybe I’m being a butthead.”
“You’re right. Iambeing a butthead. But I want it all, dammit. I mean, if I find my one True Fated Mate, we’re gonna live a really, really long time and I don’t want to have to hide what I did before I met him for the rest of forever.”
“And why would you ever hide that? I thought once you found your Mate, you could tell him just like you told us.”
“I can, but I don’t want him to run away, screaming his head off about his Mate being an Assassin.”
“He won’t.”
“And how do you know that? Do you have a crystal ball?”
“No, I have a heart and a brain and several of my dearest friends have recently found their Mates. Let me assure you, there ain’t nuthin’ stands in the way of Fate and true love.”
“From your lips to the Goddess’ ears.”
“Girl, I know there’s something -someonespecial waitin’ for you right around the next corner.”
“I’m gonna believe you, Maggie Mae. Just ’cause you’ve never steered me wrong.”
“And I’m not about to start now.” Sitting back and winking, the She-Wolf went on, “So, listen up. You’re gonna rest and relax – do whatever you want till this evening. My niece, Angie’s coming over to hang out with Amy, and you’re gonna come to the bar Bonnie and I just opened, Rodeo.”
“You opened a bar, too.”
“Oh, girl, we’re gonna open a business for every one of our nieces and nephews. That way when we find our Mates, those kids can step in, take over, and support us in the same style we’ve supported them.” Slapping her leg and laughing out loud, she shook her head. “No, seriously, we’re just keeping Valentine, Tx on the map. Between our Pack and the MacAllens’, along with some of the other Dragon Clans they’re puttin’ us in contact with, we want to keep this town alive.”
“Have I told you lately how much I love and admire you and Bonnie?”
“Yeah, but you can say it again.” Maggie laughed. Getting to her feet, she added, “Now, be down at Rodeo around nine. The drinks will be flowing, the music pumpin’, and the men ready to teach you how to two-step.”
Out of her seat and walking towards her, Alex hugged the She-Wolf and beamed, “Let me say it one more time. I love you, Maggie Mae Sampson.”
“Good, ‘cause I love you, too.” Stepping back out of their embrace, she winked, “And be sure I get invited to the Mating Ceremony. You know how I love a good love story.”