Page 122 of The Housekeeper
Chapter Forty-eight
“That went well,”Tracy deadpanned as we were fastening our safety belts. “What are we going to do now?”
I shook my head, backing out of the driveway and turning onto Scarth Road. “I have no idea.”
“You don’t think he’s serious, do you? I mean, about cutting me off in a year. He can’t do that. Can he?”
“I don’t know.”
“We’ll sue.”
“On what grounds?”
“On the basis that it’s cruel and unusual punishment.”
“I don’t think that applies in this case,” I told her, not sure if she was serious.
“Well, there must be something we can do. He’s been covering my expenses, like, forever. You can’t just cut somebody off like that after all these years. He’s set a precedent, right?”
“I guess so.”
“Damn right it’s so. We have to find a lawyer. A good one. Not like that stupid Ronald Miller.”
“Good lawyers are expensive. And you no longer have a credit card,” I reminded her.
“But you do.”
“I also have a family to support. I can’t afford to take Dad on.”
“Oh, come on. You’ll get it back once this is all sorted out.”
“Which could take years. And in the meantime, we’ll have totally alienated Dad. You could kiss that inheritance of yours goodbye.”
“Assuming there’ll be anything left.”
I shrugged.
“So, what are you saying?” she asked.
“That it might be easier if you were to just find a job.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“As a gesture of good faith. It would at least show Dad that you’re trying. And maybe in a year’s time, he’ll have come to his senses and Elyse will be gone.”
“Don’t kid yourself. That bitch isn’t going anywhere.Shit!” Tracy shouted at nothing in particular. “Where are you going?” she asked, staring through the darkness at the deserted street.
“I’m taking you home.”
“I’m too upset to go home. I’m coming to your place. We’ll order sushi.”
“I don’t feel like sushi.”
“Sure you do. Come on. Don’t give me a hard time. You know you’re going to give in eventually.”
I nodded, understanding that there was no point in arguing. She was right. Why prolong the misery?