Page 143 of The Housekeeper
Chapter Fifty-six
Ronald Miller phonedthe following week.
Since my father’s lawyer had informed Tracy and me that it was a conflict of interest for him to discuss our father’s business with us, I was more than surprised to hear from him.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Miller?” I asked.
“Look,” he began, clearing his throat. “I shouldn’t be speaking to you, and if you tell anyone I called, I’ll deny it. I mean it,” he continued before I could protest. “You can’t discuss this call with anyone, not your husband, not your sister, and especially not your father. I’m taking a huge risk here. I could be disbarred if anyone found out.”
“I won’t say anything,” I assured him, my interest piqued, my senses on full alert.
“I need your word.”
“You have it. What’s going on?”
“It’s about your father.”
“I assumed as much.”
“I’m worried about him.”
Welcome to the club,I thought. “What’s happened?”
Another loud clearing of his throat. “Your father and his wife came to see me several weeks ago about giving Elyse power ofattorney over his finances should he become unable to manage his own affairs.”
“I see.”
“That, in itself, isn’t overly troubling. Lots of couples have that arrangement. But…”
“He also directed me to make some rather significant changes to his will.”
“What kind of changes?”
“I really can’t go into details.”
I took this to mean that he was leaving everything to Elyse. “I’m not sure I understand why you’re telling me this,” I said honestly.
“I’m not sure, either,” he agreed.
“Then why are you?”
“Because I got the distinct feeling that your father was…how can I say this?” He stopped, as if searching for the perfect words. “Not being coerced exactly…”
“You’re saying he was being forced?”
“No. Not forced. Just…he seemed confused and…uncomfortable.”
“Confused and uncomfortable?” It wasn’t like my father to be confused about anything. And uncomfortable was what he made everyone else.
“Frankly, I’m not sure he was fully aware what was going on. He looked tired, haggard even. To tell you the truth, I barely recognized him, with all the weight he’s lost.”
“He’s lost weight?”
“You haven’t noticed?”
“W-well, maybe a few pounds,” I stuttered, not wanting to admit how long it had been since I’d seen my father.