Page 88 of The Housekeeper
Chapter Thirty-six
I arrived atthe house exactly sixty-six minutes later.
“Late, as usual,” my father said, opening the door as I walked up the front path.
Every muscle in my body tightened. “I didn’t realize we were punching a time clock.”Not even in the door and already on the defensive,I thought, leaning forward to kiss my father’s cheek.
He accepted the kiss without any effort to return it. “Come in. Come in. You’re letting all the cold air inside.”
“It’s a cold one, all right,” I said, hugging my coat around me as I crossed the threshold. “Guess we should be grateful there’s no snow.”
“Is that why you insisted on coming over, why you were so rude to Elyse? To give me the weather report?”
“It’s called small talk, Dad. And I didn’t mean to be rude to Elyse.”
“She inquired as to the reason for your visit and you told her to mind her own business.”
“I told her that it was none of her concern,” I corrected, knowing I was splitting hairs.
“You made her cry.”
I made her cry?“That wasn’t my intention.”
“She’s simply trying to protect me.”
“Fromme? I’m your daughter, for God’s sake. I shouldn’t have to clear my visits with the housekeeper.”
“Whyareyou here?” my father asked.
So much for small talk.“Do you think we could sit down, let me take off my coat?”
He turned toward the living room without answering. I followed after him, leaving my coat on as I sank into one of the sofas, aware of his critical gaze. My father remained standing, arms crossed, waiting for me to speak.
“You remember Stephanie Pickering,” I began.
“Of course I remember her. I hired her. One of the best decisions I ever made. A superlative agent. Brings in top dollar every time. Works her ass off.”
I tried not to hear the unspoken addendum,and you don’t.
“How is she? Still as gorgeous as ever?”
“She is,” I agreed.
“Great legs,” my father continued. “Keeps herself in wonderful shape.”
I gathered my coat tighter around me. “Yes, she does.”
“Be sure to give her my regards.”
“I’ll do that. Anyway, she…” I heard footsteps and turned to see Elyse approaching.
“Hello, Jodi,” she said. “You’re looking well. Sorry to interrupt the two of you, but I was wondering if I could make you a cup of coffee or whip up some hot chocolate. It’s so bitter out there.”
Not as bitter as in here,I thought. “Please don’t go to any trouble on my behalf.”
“It’s no trouble,” she said. “It’s myjob,after all.” She smiled. “Can I hang up your coat?”
“That’s okay. I can just keep it here.” I patted the seat cushion beside me.