Page 9 of Sharing Their Girl
“Come inside me,” she begged me. “Please. I want you to fill me up.”
Those words were my fucking undoing. I’d do anything to please her.
With a shout of her name, I came inside of her, the sheer force of my orgasm making every muscle in my body suddenly tense.
Soraya was lying beneath me, her chest rapidly rising and falling, her heart beating erratically. I could see the erratic beat of it fluttering beneath her skin.
“I need a shower,” I finally managed to grunt.
“Dinner should be done by the time you two get out,” Dad told me.
Soraya pouted at him. “You won’t join?”
He brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. I watched as she closed her eyes, leaning further into his touch. I smiled softly at her. She had needed this with both of us a lot more than she thought she had. Our girl was different, needed a little bit of extra love. Her parents had even warned me of that, but I’d never backed down from the challenge.
Between the two of us, we could definitely take good care of her.
“Got to cook dinner, little one. Go get cleaned up.”
I lifted Soraya into my arms and carried her down the hall to the master bathroom that we all now shared. I was in the middle of bathing her when she suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence between us. I’d known something was on her mind, but I also knew that she would open up to me when she was ready. Soraya never hid much from me.
“I, um, I was worried today,” she softly began.
I rubbed the loofa over her soft back. “About what, baby girl?” When we first got together, I always prompted her to be open with me, share how she was feeling. I couldn’t make her happy if she hid things from me.
She swallowed thickly. “I thought you might have been turning your back on me or getting tired of me, needing a break.”
Silly girl.
I gently turned her to face me, dragging her soapy body closer to mine as my eyes bore into hers. “Baby girl, I couldneverget sick of you,” I promised her. “I love you. My heart beats for you. Everything I’ve done since I met you has been with you in mind.” I gripped the side of her neck. “I’ve got too many people wanting me to work on their cars. I can't handle it all. I'll be working on making that known throughout the next few months. Dad does just as good work.”
“Why do they prefer you over him?” she asked me.
I grinned at her. “Your other man isn’t much of a people person, baby girl.”
She giggled, shaking her head. “No, he’s not,” she agreed. She placed her soft hands on my chest. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”
I brushed my lips over hers. “Never be sorry for telling me how you feel, Soraya.” I always told her that. “I want you to always be open with me.”
She sighed softly against my lips and pressed hers more firmly against mine. With a groan, I dropped the loofa and lifted her up, sinking inside of her. She needed me to reaffirm what we had together, and I would gladly do so.
I needed this woman to understand that she was always my number one priority and that I hadn’t been lying when I’d said that everything I now did was solely for her.
Dad was already up when I finally got my ass out of bed Sunday morning. He was nursing a cup of coffee and staring out over the backyard, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“Looks like you’ve got something on your mind,” I spoke up.
He grunted. “I do. Wanted to run it by you. I was hoping you’d be up before she was.”
I arched an eyebrow at him. “Well? Spit it out, old man.” Dad wasn’t one for beating around the bush. I knew it was where I got it from.
He rolled his eyes at me before taking a sip of his coffee, purposely taking his time because he knew it annoyed me. I heaved an exasperated sigh. “You mentioned Soraya’s lease is up at the end of next month.”
I nodded once, trying to figure out where in the hell he was going with this. He looked over at me. “I think she should move in here. She’s already here every night. We can turn your room into a sort of office for her so she can continue studying in peace.” He shrugged. “I just feel like it’s the right thing to do.”