Page 35 of Honor Among SEALs
“Anna’s alive? Where is she?” Her hands balled into fists, Kellie stomped toward Jerry, a million questions swirling in her head.
He sprawled on the floor, one hand grasping his groin and the other arm outstretched toward her as though he could possibly keep her from eviscerating him if he didn’t start talking.
Suddenly, MacGyver pushed her aside and knelt by the fallen man. None too gently, he searched him, finding the promised ID, and flipped it open. “Sonofabitch! US Marshal Jeremy Dahl.” He held the man’s badge up for all to see.
“What the fuck?” Travis kicked a chair out of his way, getting to MacGyver to read the credentials for himself. “Goddammit! The congressman lied to us.”
Kellie watched in perplexed silence as Travis threw the ID and slammed his fist down on the tabletop.
“Where’s Charlie and the dog?” MacGyver still knelt beside the man claiming to be a US Marshal.
Jerry, or Jeremy—whoever he was—glared at MacGyver. “I told you he’s fine. I was never going to hurt him. I just needed to find her after she slipped away from the hotel.” He stared accusingly at Kellie as though she’d done something wrong by kicking his ass. “He’s in the next cabin up the hill.”
MacGyver pushed to his feet, grabbed Kellie’s wrist, surprising her and pulling her off balance. “We’ll be back after I find out what the hell’s going on. Make surehe’sstill here.” He threw the terse words over his shoulder right before he dragged her through the open doorway.
Who in the hell does he think he is?Halfway to the SUV, she planted her feet and wrenched her wrist from his grasp. “Stop it, MacGyver! You heard him—he knows where she is. I have to find her.”
MacGyver was in her face in an instant, his hands gripping her upper arms like bands of steel. Anger flashed dangerously beneath his furrowed brow. “I swear to God, Kellie, if you don’t get in that car right now, I’m going to throw your ass in. I’ve operated in the dark as long as I’m willing to. Jesus! A US Marshal? I would have killed him for touching you if I’d had a chance.”
She hadn’t asked for his help—had specifically told him she could manage on her own. He’d bullied his way into her life, broken through her walls and made her trust him. Damnit! Made her feel things she shouldn’t. She didn’t want to need him. She could take care of herself. Hadn’t she just proven that?
None of her indignant tirade made it past her lips. The heat in her blood died with the plea in his eyes. Some of the tension drained from her, and she placed her palms against his muscled abs. “Okay. I get it. I had no idea Jerry was a federal marshal. He worked for Tony the last time I saw him.” She sighed, and MacGyver’s hands relaxed their hold on her arms. “You’re right, though. I need to tell you the whole story. You’re risking your life for me, and there shouldn’t be any secrets between us.”
She averted her eyes as guilt slapped her with an exception. What happened in Iraq had nothing to do with Tony or Anna. She wasn’t going to put it on the table.
MacGyver regarded her with obvious suspicion. “You’re not just saying that until you get a chance to kickmein the stones, are you?”
Kellie cocked an eyebrow. “That depends. Are you planning to add your secrets to the mix? Like why you’re really helping me? And why you and Travis were looking for a US Marshal?”
MacGyver leaned close as his hands slid down to grip her waist. “That and anything else you’d like to know about me.”
His words filtered through the cold vacuum surrounding her heart, and she couldn’t look away from the desperate blue of his eyes. A tremor rolled through her as he pulled her against him. To her chagrin, her body reacted with goose bumps and hardening nipples as though flesh and blood had an agenda of its own.
Humor relaxed his expression as he watched her. “Has anyone ever told you how incredibly sexy you are when you go all ninja on someone’s ass?”
Kellie laughed. “No, and I think Jerry might disagree.”
“Obviously, the man doesn’t have a clue.” MacGyver winked as he stepped aside, gesturing toward the vehicle. “Let’s go find Charlie. I want to meet the man who raised such an obstinate daughter.”
The cabin up the hillturned out to be a three-story chalet-style house four times the size of her family’s summer cottage. Floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor promised an unobstructed view of the lake, a few hundred feet below. An external staircase led to a wooden balcony that lined the length of the house, in case all that glass didn’t give the owners ample access to the forested scenery. Had the marshal been authorized to commandeer this gorgeous home? She’d probably do well not to ask, since she wasn’t exactly on Jerry’s nice list right now.
The house and scattered outbuildings appeared deserted as MacGyver parked on the pavement in front of the three-car garage. As soon as she opened the car door, she heard Chip’s frenzied barking. Immediately, Pop stepped into view on the second-floor balcony. He still walked straight and tall at seventy-two, a testament to how he’d stayed in shape all his life. Fighting fire was hard work, and Charlie had been one of the best. His buff physique, coupled with a full head of salt-and-pepper hair and a sharp intellect, had attracted his share of female interest as far back as Kellie could remember. He’d never glanced away from her mother long enough to appreciate the attention.
“Are you all right, Pop?” Sudden relief left her weak in the knees as her stepdad started down the stairs, followed by the sleek black and white dog.
“Why wouldn’t I be? That marshal you sent made sure no one bothered us. Can’t wait to hear why I needed a bodyguard.”
Shocked, Kellie started to tell him she hadn’t sent Jerry, but MacGyver caught her eye and shook his head.
Chip rushed past Pop and reached the ground first, did a one eighty and barreled toward her, tongue lolling and tail wagging. Pop growled a command which, of course, Chip ignored. It was doubtful the dog even heard his master’s voice, so overjoyed was he to see her. She stopped, spread her arms wide and braced herself. Seventy pounds of excited, slobbering dog hurtled into her chest. With barely time to lock her arms around him, Kellie staggered backward and went down, the happy dog whining and licking her all over.
“Wish you’d never taught him that trick.” Pop grumbled as he came into view above her.
She laughed, trying fruitlessly to avoid Chip’s overactive tongue. “It was a lot cuter when he was a puppy.”
MacGyver appeared alongside Pop. “She taught that furball to knock her down?”
Pop gave MacGyver the once-over and apparently decided he was okay. “Yep. Smart girl…except for that.” He stuck out his hand. “Charlie Webster. Who might you be?”