Page 50 of Honor Among SEALs
She’d ignore theforeverpart. He’d already made his intentions clear. Besides, his way was better for both of them.
He flexed his hips and drove deeper. “You’re going to be the death of me, Champ.” Pulling almost all the way out, he plunged again and again, long delicious strokes that brought his pelvis in contact with her in just the right spot.
“That’s it, baby. You’re going to come for me again. Let yourself go.” He pinned her hands on the bed beside her head, holding her down as he lifted his weight off of her upper body. The strain in his jaw muscles said he was holding himself back, waiting for her.
“I can’t.”
He thrust harder, faster, pumping into her. “Yes, you can, and you will. Look at me. Don’t think of anything else—just me…inside you…filling you. Just me, baby. No one else…ever.”
MacGyver crushed his lips to hers, taking her mouth with the same demanding control, until the pressure coiling inside of her splintered her brittle floodgates and she came, screaming his name.
He muffled her outburst with his mouth and continued to pump into her until, a few seconds later, he pushed deep and his own climax hit with a feral growl. He dropped down, collecting her in his powerful arms, and held her against him. For unending minutes, their breaths mixed as they both came down from the heights they’d reached.
Finally, MacGyver stirred, leaving her briefly to dispose of the condom. When he returned, he switched off the lamp and laid beside her, pulling her head onto his shoulder without a word. Kellie, fighting raw emotions, struggled to put her own mask back in place before he saw too much.
* * * *
She jerked awake. Rain was pelting the window, and the wind gusted against the house. Thunder rumbled in the distance, but that hadn’t been what woke her. She lay on her back with MacGyver’s leg thrown over hers and his arm draped across her mid-section. His soft wheeze was evidence of his deep sleep.
The sound that woke her came again.Chip’s growl.Low but serious. He growled again, and Kellie lifted her head to glance around the room.
MacGyver’s arm tightened around her stomach. “Shh. As quietly as you can, put some clothes on. I think I heard something.” His obvious tension, combined with the warning in his tone, made the hair on her arms stand on end.
Barely breathing, she slid off the side of the bed and felt around for her clothes, dressing as she found them. MacGyver seemed to know right where his were. She finally managed to locate her shirt and shove her arms in the sleeves as he pulled on his boots.
Kellie couldn’t hear anything, and she was about to scold Chip for the false alarm when he started barking as though he’d narrowed in on the source of his disquiet. From the little she could see in the darkened room, it appeared Chip was staring at the window.
MacGyver crouched beside the bed, motioning for her to stay down. As a bolt of lightning illumined their surroundings for a split second, a gun appeared in his hand, though Kellie hadn’t seen where it came from. She’d shoved hers under the pillow when she laid down, and she retrieved it before following MacGyver to hunker beside the bed.
Lightning, followed by a crack of thunder, propelled Chip off the bed to the window, where his paws thumped against the glass. Someone pounded on the door before throwing it open and ducking inside. Travis…with Jeremy right behind him.
“Whatcha got, MacGyver?” Travis’s words were terse.
“Right now, just a pissed off dog.” MacGyver crept toward the window, bent low.
The next bolt of lightning lit up the area outside for the count of two, and Kellie’s heart rate soared. Clear as day, a man dressed in dark clothing, rain dripping from his fedora, stared back at them from ten feet away. Kellie froze as chaos broke out in the room.
“There’s someone out there.” MacGyver rose and darted for the door. Growling and snarling, Chip almost tripped him. As he and Travis disappeared, so did fedora-man, once again covered by the darkness. Suddenly, the lights of a vehicle flicked on, and Kellie could see fedora-man loping toward the road, where a dark-colored pickup waited. Jumping into the passenger seat, he closed the door as the driver stepped on the gas. The truck pitched and bucked to get traction in the mud, finally straightening out as Travis and MacGyver gave chase.
“Kellie, get away from the window.” Jeremy took her elbow and walked her out of the bedroom.
“What the hell’s going on?” Pop, his hair tousled and concern in his voice, came from his bedroom.
The SUV fired up and then she couldn’t hear it anymore. Was MacGyver trying to chase them down? Her stomach clenched with dread.
“There was someone outside. Maybe MacGyver and Travis can find out who it was.” Jeremy turned back from peering out of a window.
No one needed to tell her who the figure outside her window had been. She’d recognized him. She’d studied the man for the past year. The only question remaining was how Tony Palazzi had known where she was.
Chapter Fifteen
“I think we lost ’em. He could have pulled over anywhere out there and we wouldn’t see him. Turn the lights off.” Travis rolled his window down and peered through the gloomy, rain-drenched trees that hugged the road.
MacGyver hit the headlight switch and darkness enveloped them. It would be a mistake for the driver of the pickup they were following to pull very far off the graveled roadbed. He’d be up to his hubcaps in mud before he got five feet.Shit!They must have missed a turn.
He brought the SUV to a halt and killed the engine. Sound didn’t travel far in a forest, especially on a night like this, but if they were close enough, they might pick up the rumble of an engine or the snap of a branch—something.
Nothing. Just the rain, wind and thunder. They weren’t going to find anyone tonight. Maybe in the morning, if the tracks hadn’t been washed away, he could at least satisfy himself that whoever had been spying on them was long gone.