Page 31 of SEAL of Fate

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Page 31 of SEAL of Fate

Alex took several slow steps toward Travis. “What if I don’t believe you?”

Travis returned Alex’s calculating stare. “Why would I lie?”

“That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? Maybe you’d like to tell me.”

Travis glanced toward Jordan, registering the fright and outrage on her face. There was no way to let her know he was trying to save both of their lives and didn’t mean any of the things he was about to say. And now wasn’t the time to show fear. For a heartbeat, he tried to decipher why he’d let her become more than just a job to him, then forced the question aside.

He laughed, a cold, hollow sound. “Hey, a man’s got to get it where he can. You’re just going to kill her. Why do you care if I get a little piece before you push her off a cliff?”

Alex snorted a laugh, then turned to his bodyguard, who Travis now knew was Senator Mann’s missing son. “Liam, take Joe and Arlie and have a look around outside. We don’t want any surprises.” When the men were gone, Alex focused on Travis. “Maybe I care because her ass belongs to me.”

Travis sensed the rage building in the man. It’d been a long shot that Alex would believe his story. He tensed, readying for the fight to determine whether he and Jordan lived out the night. It was only Kyle, Brody, and Alex remaining inside the church. He’d faced worse odds, but Jordan was a wildcard. She could easily get caught in the crossfire. Hell, he didn’t even know whose side she was on.

“You son of a bitch!” All hands watching the interchange between Travis and Alex whipped around at Jordan’s angry taunt. “I thought you were trying to help me. But you were trying to seduce your way into my pants? Or maybe you were going to rape me.”

No one moved, staring at the furious woman with the gun pointing at Travis’s heart.Shit.He’d forgotten about the gun he’d loaded for her. In hindsight, that might have been a mistake. Kyle and Brody were slow to respond but finally aimed their weapons half-heartedly. Alex seemed to be enjoying the show. Apparently, they didn’t much care if she shot him.

He raised his hands, palms toward her. “Jordan, you’ve got it all wrong.” He held her gaze, trying to communicate his intentions, knowing it was a lost cause. In slow motion, he watched her squeeze the trigger. Saw the hammer of the 38 Special cock back and the cylinder spin counterclockwise. He braced for the blast and the pain that would follow. When the firing pin rapped dully on an empty chamber, complete silence descended over the room for the count of two.

Brody laughed harshly. “When you steal someone’s weapon, you might want to check for bullets.”

Alex, eyes wide, looked from her to Travis. “You’re one lucky bastard.” He snatched the gun from Brody’s hand and advanced toward Jordan.

Damn it!She knew there was no shell in the chamber. Travis had watched her remove it and put it in her pocket. She’d just saved his life, but at what cost?

Brody cleared his throat. “Halstead wants—.”

“Shut up.” Alex silenced him with a glare. He turned to face her again and raised the weapon. “You brought this on yourself, Jordan.”

With one hand on his chest, Travis stumbled forward, bumping Alex into the chair beside him and sending his weapon sliding across the hardwood floor. Jake growled savagely and leaped through the air. Alex raised his arms in time to catch the enormous animal by the throat and heave him aside. The dog landed against the door casing with a yelp and didn’t get up. Jordan’s attention diverted to Jake long enough for Alex to regain his feet and reclaim his handgun. Kyle and Brody either didn’t know who the enemy was or didn’t care and seemed content to let the scene play out.

Travis leaped toward Alex, intent on bringing him down before he could shoot Jordan. He halted when she spun her attention to Alex and raised her revolver again. Her hands shook. She pinched her eyes closed and opened them again. Alex laughed, seeing no danger in her hesitation and obvious terror. His weapon was almost level with her head. Time seemed to stand still as Jordan pulled the trigger.

The smell of gunpowder permeated the air. The bullet caught Alex high in the chest. Disbelief stole over his face as he staggered forward another step. His gun fell from limp fingers as he crashed to the floor.

The stunned silence lasted only an instant. Kyle and Brody ducked for cover, and obscenities filled the air. Kyle aimed between her eyes. “Get out of my way.”

Travis ignored him, striding determinedly toward Jordan, his only option to put her on the floor before someone shot her. Her gaze searched his, regret in the sad smile she gave him. Obviously, in shock, she dropped the 38. He reached her just in time to catch her as her eyes rolled back in her head, saving him from having to knock her out again.


COOP FOUND THE CRYPTICmessage Travis had left on the bulletin board inside the tiny post office on Mitchell’s main street. He ripped the scrap of paper from beneath the thumbtack that held it in place, frowning as he reread the words. Innocent enough, the note described a found puppy and gave a number for the owner to call and claim his errant pet. For Coop, the communication said Travis waited at the prearranged location in need of evacuation as soon as possible. The note ended with today’s date and the wordsalso found—kitten.His frown deepened as he pondered the meaning of the last words. Evidently, Travis wasn’t alone, and whoever he was with presented no danger.

“Shit, Travis, what are you up to?” It would have been easier to stay on top of the situation if Travis had a satellite phone, but that extravagance would have been suspicious and could have jeopardized his cover. Coop shifted his backpack to a more comfortable position outside the post office before slipping between the buildings lining the narrow street. Alert for any movement, he headed east. It was time to reclaim his ride.

He crossed the street just beyond the park, approached the side door of a large, weather-worn garage, produced a key, and let himself inside. Pausing only a few seconds to allow his eyes to adjust to the darkness, he continued to the front of the building, removed the crossbar that locked the big double doors, and pushed them open. He winced as the rusty hinges creaked and groaned with the unaccustomed motion. A dog began to bark down the street until a stern male voice called for silence.

Light from a street lamp filtered through the open doors, reflecting off the bumper of his black Ford pickup. Coop tossed his backpack into the truck bed, slipped behind the wheel, and started the engine. A block away, he flipped on the headlights in time to make the turn onto High Street, following the steep, winding pavement to the town’s upper level, all but hidden from those who passed through the tiny community.

The church looked deserted. No lights showed, but they wouldn’t from the windowless room at the back. It was strange that no smoke curled from the chimney on such a chilly night. Something was wrong. He’d sensed it when the procession of Jeeps had wormed its way down the mountain earlier in the afternoon. The short hairs on his neck had stood up, and they were never wrong.

Coop drove by and parked down the street. He crept cautiously around the side of the church, crossing the yard to the steps leading to the back door. Placing his weight as he’d learned to do while waiting around for Travis, he avoided the usual creaking of the steps. Pulling his gun from beneath his coat, he flung open the door and went in low.

The room was a mess. The lamp lay on its side on the floor, the shade crumpled and askew while the bare bulb still, inexplicably, shed its low-watt light. Furniture lay toppled and broken. Cushions, magazines, and the paper remnants from a fast-food meal littered the floor. Coop’s gaze swept the room’s interior, abruptly stopping at the dark pool dead-center in the room—blood, and lots of it.

He caught movement from the corner of his eye and swung to the right, gun raised. In the next instant, he lowered his weapon. He could just make out the black form nearly concealed by dark shadows. The dog’s intelligent eyes followed his every move as he approached. The animal’s lips curled ever-so-slightly, showing bared teeth in a half-hearted snarl.

Coop crouched, keeping a careful watch on the dog. “Well, now, if you could talk, I bet you’d have quite a story to tell, wouldn’t you?”

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