Page 53 of SEAL of Fate
ABRUTAL HEADACHE WORKEDthrough the blackness, dragging Jordan from oblivion to a new hell. She groaned and jabbed her fingertips into her temples as she curled into a tighter ball to fight the onslaught of pain. Her eyes flew open when a scraping sound echoed around her.Brody.
She forced herself to follow his movements as he closed and barricaded the door. She caught a whiff of kerosene, heard the strike of a match, and a dim glow lit the interior. He hung the lantern from a peg on the wall. Was it a coincidence that he’d found a lantern conveniently supplied with fuel in this deserted place? Doubtful. It was much more likely he’d been here before and had provided supplies to the site for his nefarious needs.
Apparently, he’d never bothered to clean. The one-room shack was filthy, a thick layer of dirt covering everything. Broken furniture littered the floor. A wooden dresser, its once ornate face scarred and weathered, leaned against the only door within view.
Jordan’s head pounded in time with the beat of her heart, and every part of her body ached. Something pressed painfully into her hip, where she lay curled on the floor. Groaning, she shifted sideways, but whatever caused her discomfort moved with her. With one hand, she swiped through the dirt and grime that covered the floor, but the bothersome lump remained.
Like a slow-moving train, the memory of the knife in her coat pocket crept into her head. Her heart raced, prompted by a jolt of adrenaline. She had a weapon and a chance if she could use it effectively. In desperation, she’d stabbed Liam, and she’d already proved she could kill with a gun. Jordan winced at the hard reality. She had killed another human being, though she had no choice. Alex would have shot her. She’d squeezed the trigger in self-defense. Fighting had been her only chance for survival, and she would fight again given an opportunity.
Jordan pictured the serrated blade of the knife with its razor-sharp edge. It was a vicious-looking tool. As she watched Brody, a cold steadiness settled over her, clearing her mind and giving her laser focus. Hatred for the evil man took free rein, and power surged through her. Slowly, she rolled over and pushed herself off the floor. Dizziness engulfed her as she straightened, but she closed her eyes, steeling herself until her world stopped spinning.
Brody leered at her when she opened her eyes. Had he guessed her intentions? More likely, the creep wanted to intimidate her, needing to control her every emotion. It was who he was.
He didn’t know Jordan wasn’t his to control anymore. She returned his gaze steadily, pushing her hands into her pockets. Her right hand encircled the knife, positioning it so the blade could open with a flick of her thumb.
Brody laughed, the mirthless sound echoing off the walls. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He stepped toward her.
Jordan said nothing, knowing her voice would break and the flimsy grasp on her courage would slip away. She forced herself to stand still as he eased his way toward her. Brody needed to be even closer if the knife would be of any use, but a handgun would be preferable right now. She held his gaze, hoping to predict his next move.
“I bet you’re thinking your friend, Travis, and that dog will break through the door any minute.” Brody laughed again. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. I hope he does.” He brought his gun hand up, running the fingers of his other hand over the dull black finish. “I’m not counting on it, though, and neither should you.” Brody shoved the gun into his belt, continuing to advance. “That dog is bleeding out. You saw him. I’d have done him a favor by shooting him. Travis is a city boy. Without the dog, he’ll never find us. Hell, search and rescue will collect his dry bones come spring.”
“Have you always been smarter than everyone else, or is this a recent thing?” Jordan forgot caution in the face of his arrogance.
“You just don’t appreciate me, darlin’. You should because I’m the only reason you’re still alive. If Halstead had his way, you’d be dead by now. You might want to show some gratitude.”
A laugh burst from her lips. “Do you expect me to believe you’ll let me live?”
“I like you, sweetheart, and we’d be good together, you and I.” His gaze slowly traveled the length of her.
Jordan shuddered. “I’d rather be dead.”
His eyes darkened even as he smiled. “Be careful what you wish for.” Quick as a jack rabbit, he sprang forward, erasing the distance between them.
The knife was almost free of her coat pocket when Brody’s arms encircled her, trapping her arms at her sides. The momentum of his attack slammed her into the wall behind her. The weight of his body crashing into her forced the air from her lungs. She fought to free herself as lightheadedness stole over her, sapping her strength. A few feet from her head, the lantern on the wall cast flickering shadows across his face. His features twisted with smugness and cruelty.
Brody released her arms, caging her against the wall, his hands on either side of her head. He ground his pelvis against her with deliberate slowness, his erection evident. Revulsion and fear would have taken control if not for the knife in her hand. Jordan shoved him and tried to slide away, but he only exerted more pressure to hold her in place. He bent his head, covering her mouth savagely. His stale breath and sloppy tongue made her gag, and she struggled harder. Brody grabbed a handful of her hair and held her head where he wanted it while his free hand yanked up the edge of her coat and groped her butt.
It happened so fast that Jordan didn’t have time to give in to the terror racing through her blood. Rage and indignation fueled her resolve as she pulled the knife from her pocket and opened the blade. Operating on instinct alone, Jordan drove the blade's full length into his side, feeling it glance off something hard as it passed through his rib cage.
Brody jerked as the knife entered, took a step back, and looked down at his side in disbelief. Realization crept into his eyes as they met hers, followed quickly by rage. “Youbitch!” His arm snaked out, and the back of his hand landed squarely across her cheek.
Her head snapped around. Still dizzy from the initial attack, she slid down the wall. As Jordan scrambled to catch herself, her fingers grabbed the metal base of the lantern. The lamp crashed beside her a split second after she hit the floor. The glass globe shattered. Kerosene spilled, spreading into a puddle that encompassed the lantern. Instantly, it ignited. Jordan rolled toward the corner of the room to escape the blaze. By the time she regained her feet, flames had cut off her access to the door. The fire, accelerated by the kerosene, devoured the dry, half-rotten planks of the cabin.
Brody swore as he yanked the knife from his side. A rush of blood saturated his shirt. His eyes, dull with pain, met hers through the smoke and flames. “Burn, baby.” He smiled as he mouthed the words. Then he shoved aside the dresser he’d used to block the door and disappeared.