Page 59 of SEAL of Fate

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Page 59 of SEAL of Fate

Chapter Twenty-Two

Even with the addedweight of the backpack and rifle Coop had insisted he take, Travis covered the terrain separating him from Jordan in less than ten minutes. They had split up. Coop headed back to the burned-out shack to get Luke. Then they would high-tail it to the sat phone in the FBI sedan while Travis wasted no time getting to Jordan. Not knowing her condition was gut-wrenching, but she had to be alive—and he had to keep her that way until the helicopter could reach them.

The mountain lion still lay where it had dropped, and though he should have felt remorse for the animal's death, he wasn’t sorry. The population of the big cats had increased sharply in recent years due to changes in hunting regulations in Oregon. Without a corresponding increase in their usual food source, the lions had become hungrier and bolder. The full-grown male cat had to be close to two hundred pounds. Jordan, weighing in at maybe a hundred and twenty, wouldn’t have stood a chance.

Travis removed the backpack before kneeling beside Jordan’s still form and carefully rolling her from her side to her back. She was out cold, which explained why he and Coop hadn’t seen her stand after the cat went down. There was no blood or long, deep scratches on her chest, which was a relief, but he winced when he moved her arm and examined her face. In addition to the bruise he’d caused, black and blue marks on both cheekbones framed a split in the corner of her lip, and a goose egg had formed above her left temple. None of those injuries concerned him as much as her fast heart rate and quick, shallow breaths combined with the chill of her pale skin.

He ripped off his coat and draped it around her. She was undoubtedly in the first stage of hypothermia, and he had to get her warm.First things first.Travis drew his Sig, found a flashlight in a pocket of Coop’s backpack, and worked his way up the slope to the cave Jordan had been trying to reach. He felt sure that any animals taking up space inside would have moved on with all the commotion out front, but it was best never to assume.

It was small, about fifteen feet across and maybe twenty deep. There didn’t appear to have been any recent guests. As an emergency shelter, it would do to keep the wind, rain, and snow off of them. A fire ring outside, under the overhang, would generate some heat while venting the smoke.

He holstered the Sig as he hurried back to Jordan, relieved to see that she was starting to come around. At first, there was no recognition in her gaze as he knelt beside her. “You’re safe now. I’ve got you, and you’re going to be okay.”

A heartbeat later, she threw herself into his arms, and damn if it didn’t feel perfect just to hold her tight. But he still had work to do, and the day was winding down. Reluctantly, he pried her arms from his neck and leaned back so he could see her eyes. “Are you hurt anywhere?”

“How did you f-find me?” Her eyes widened as a gasp escaped. “There was a mountain lion—.” She tried to scramble to her feet.

Travis held her arms and kept her from turning around where the crumpled animal lay not five feet from her. “It can’t hurt you. You’re safe now.” He wanted to kiss her so damn bad, but her chattering teeth convinced him that getting her warmed up would have to come before anything else. He retrieved his coat that had slipped to the ground between them and held it open so she could thread her arms in the sleeves. Then he fisted the collar on both sides and drew her close enough to brush her lips with his before zipping the jacket closed.

“D-did you k-kill it?”

“No, we’ve got my partner, Coop, to thank for that. He’s a hell of a sniper.” Travis had been weak in the knees when the cat had finally dropped, and he was sure he’d failed miserably to express his gratitude to his friend. That was okay—he’d have plenty of time to do it right every day for the rest of his life.

“Where is C-Coop? And Jake? Is Jake okay?” Her questions came quickly now, which meant her cognitive skills were firing normally.

Travis stood, shoved the rifle in the sheath on his pack, and hefted the load into place. He couldn’t help the grin that tugged at his lips. “I’ll tell you everything once you’re settled inside with a fire going so we can get you warm. Can you walk?”

“Of course, I can walk.” Jordan took the hand he offered, and Travis pulled her up, noting the waver in her step before she leaned into him.

He placed his arm around her waist, tucking her against his side, and helped her negotiate the slope’s loose footing. “What happened to your coat?”

She frowned at him as though it hurt to remember. “It b-burned. It caught on fire.” A shudder rolled through her, more than just shivers from the cold, and she stopped abruptly. “I think Brody might be after me.”

Travis propelled her forward as he smiled. “Brody and almost his entire crew are in FBI custody. By the way—did you stab the poor guy?” The amusement in his voice undoubtedly gave away his attempt to get a rise out of her.

“Poor guy? Yeah, I stabbed the creep, and I’d do it again.” She tried to sound indignant, but a grin softened her features.

He laughed. “Damn, lady, remind me never to get on your bad side.” Helping her to the flat rock at the cave’s entrance, he couldn’t resist drawing her into his arms again and carefully kissing her neck. He’d never had as much trouble keeping his hands off a woman, but instead of concerning him, he savored the way she responded to his touch.

Travis dropped the pack a few feet beyond the opening, untied the sleeping bag, and rolled it out on the sandstone floor. He’d seen a lightweight blanket in the pack earlier, so he pulled that out and wrapped it around Jordan as he led her to the bedding, told her to sit, and pressed a flashlight into her hands.

Pulling up his pant leg, he removed the 38 Special and checked the cylinder before handing it to her. “There’s a shell ineachchamber, so please don’t shoot me.”

He’d intended to tease her, but fear and uncertainty wavered in Jordan’s voice. “You’re not leaving me, are you?”

“Just for a few minutes. I need to collect dry wood for a fire. I’ll make five or six trips, so we have enough to last all night if necessary. And no, I’m not leaving you, Jordan. Maybe not ever.” He probably shouldn’t have said that, but it felt like the truth. When did that happen?He stole one more kiss before pointing at the bedding beneath them. “While I’m gone, I want you to take off your clothes and get in the bag.”

“What? I’m not going to—.” By the humor lighting her face, she obviously thought he was joking.

He put his fingers lightly over her lips. “It’s proven that hypothermia victims warm up faster without clothes.” Travis kissed her chilled lips and started for the cave entrance.

Jordan snorted a laugh as he walked away. “That only works ifyouget naked and climb in with me.” Amusement mixed with uncertainty in her voice.

“Oh, I plan to.” He threw the words over his shoulder as he stepped into the dusk.Damn, I finally got the last word.

He dragged the dead mountain lion into the forest so it wouldn’t attract scavengers to their cave during the night. Gathering an armload of dry wood, he hurried back to check on Jordan. To his surprise, she’d listened to him, removed her clothing, folded them neatly, and now snored softly, almost buried in the sleeping bag. He stood and stared for a moment, unsure what to make of the protectiveness that raced through his blood. His feelings for the woman didn’t scare him...andthatterrified him. What the hell was he going to do now? He didn’t do relationships—didn’t know the first thing about dating or romance. But that wasn’t what worried him most.

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