Page 3 of Night Magic
His gaze roamed to her cleavage. She held her head high and didn’t attempt to conceal the jeweled piece she wore around her neck. Her lovely, deep purple pentagram might scare some people. It was a gift from her grandmother, and she hoped he didn’t judge her for wearing it. Not everyone understood someone who believed in the forces of nature.
She tried to hide the nervous twitch in her eyebrow by running her finger across it.I’ve got to focus.“No, there’s no official contract and he never gave me a dime. His point was centered on the fact that he came up with the name of the shop and the original idea, even though I purchased the business with my money.”
“That’s what I thought. Sometimes when a person finds some measure of success the vultures come out of the woodwork. It’s a desperate plea to capitalize on your success. If he continues to harass you, we can proceed, but I don’t think you’ll be hearing from him again soon. Does he have a police record?”
“Yes, he has a few misdemeanors.”
Jon turned toward his computer. “What is his full name and birthday?”
She gave him the information, and he checked for outstanding warrants, finding none.
He stood and moved over to a dry bar with a confident strut. She watched his every move.
“Don’t worry—he doesn’t have a leg to stand on,” Jon assured her. “Would you care for something to drink?”
“I’m good. Thanks anyway.” Her hands trembled as she twisted the strap of her purse.
He poured himself a cup of coffee and turned to face her. “Are you telling me everything?” He arched a brow.
“Yes, of course.”
“Well, then why do you seem upset? I’ve gotten pretty good at sensing my clients’ emotions, even though we’ve just met.”
His intense stare set her body on fire. “I’m okay, really. I didn’t sleep well last night.” A fear of losing the respect of her clients, friends—and community, if they learned about her past had gnawed at her conscience. In an attempt to diffuse the barrage of insinuations, she forced a smile. “This place is stunning. I’ve passed by many times and wanted to stop inside to grab a business card. Do you live here?” She glanced around the room and caught a glimpse of a photo of Jon with an elderly woman on the bookshelf next to the desk. The bond between the two was obvious with the body language. “What a great photo.”
“My mother was a wonderful woman. She passed away three years ago.” His smile quickly turned into a frown. He paused and looked away.
“I’m so sorry,” Krista said.
It sounded as if the topic made him uneasy, and it seemed as if there was more to the story.Maybe he’s trying to play on my sympathy.Although it was second nature to distrust a man, she wanted desperately to give it a try.
“Thank you. She lived here with me for the last five years of her life. I had around-the-clock caregivers to assist me.”
“I think its noble of you to take your mother into your home. My grandmother took care of me after my parents died. I miss her terribly.”
“I’m sorry for your loss. We’re both fortunate to have had someone in our lives who made a huge impact.” His words sounded sincere, but his forehead crinkled and his eyes narrowed before he pulled his chair out and sat. It sent a red flag up, but she ignored it.
She tried to resist the desire to run her fingers through his thick, golden hair as she watched him tuck his cellphone in a carrying case. With her attraction causing her jitters, she tried to focus on the reason she came to see Jon in the first place. She wanted to make a good impression, and not come across as a dramatic, scorned woman. While her imagination went wild, she did her best to keep a serious expression on her face.
With his gaze fixed on her, he smiled, and his eyes held a sparkle. Surely, the hot lawyer didn’t flirt with all of his female clients. At least, that’s what she told herself. She studied him, each move raising her blood pressure. Krista ran her tongue along her top lip. It was obvious to her he shared a mutual attraction. A woman can sense these things. Her hands shook, and she felt as if Jon could read her inner thoughts.
Five years without a loving relationship or attention from a man was long enough. The business had consumed her days, and she didn’t have time to date. Trust was an issue and opening up to someone took time, but now, in the middle of a spacious law office, she wanted to strip the hunk of a lawyer out of his clothes and seduce him right on top of the desk. In the back of her mind, the shock of such an interlude clouded her senses. A rippling sensation moved across her chest.
Jon stood, and the intensity in his eyes, made Krista shiver. He slowly came from around his desk, like a panther going for his prey. When he got close enough for her to get a whiff of his tempting, sensual cologne, a strong sense of spontaneity caught her off guard and her ears rang so badly that her head spun.
“Are you sure I can’t get you something? I’ve got spring water, coffee, or tea.” Jon flashed a wide smile, and she couldn’t stop staring at the dimple in his chin.
“Sure, I’d love a cup of tea. Two sugars, please.” For whatever reason, she began to feel comfortable around him. His approach came across sincere.
It appeared that he wanted her too. The piercing look in his eyes and the way he parted his lips gave it away. Her heart thumped in anticipation of his next move. Jon turned and went over to a corner counter where there was a beverage machine. It was difficult to concentrate as she watched his hips sway.
He returned with the tea and handed it to her. “Here you go.”
Krista took the cup and saucer and placed it on the desk. She tried to banish the elicit thoughts from her mind, and the more she tried, the more they continued. The last thing she’d expected was to experience a sexual attraction toward her attorney. Now what? Although, she was relieved she didn’t have to share all of the details of her painful dilemma.
Jon went over to the window and rested on the ledge with his hands on both sides. He tilted his head and spoke in a curious tone. “So, tell me how you came to open a bath and body shop?”
Her attention momentarily shifted to the shape of his lips, but then she forced her gaze away from them and answered his question. “I’ve always loved skin care products and mine are all natural. I find it important to treat your skin well. Chemicals can dry out your skin.” Krista realized his attempt to engage in pleasantries was good for business, but she rejoiced in a civil conversation with this tantalizing man.