Page 13 of Perfect Attraction
“Why would you do that?” I asked.
“She has my son. I would not leave her empty-handed.”
“Do you know where she’s at?”
“I have an idea.”
“You need to decide how far to take this. We can get a court-ordered paternity test and start divorce proceedings.”
“When did you become a divorce lawyer?”
I shook my head. “I’m not. But I’ve had clients who had messy situations. I’ve learned enough to know what to do. I can always help you find a good divorce lawyer.”
“I trust you,” he said. “But what if I want her back?”
“Come on, man. This woman has been nothing but a red flag since the day you met her. And I bet you think she’s with another guy.”
He pursed his lips. “Maybe if I hadn’t given up my football career to come help my father, she would have stayed.”
“Yeah, maybe. But do you want a woman who won’t love you for better or worse? She told you that wasn’t your kid. Admitting she’s been screwing around on you.”
“Have you been in love before?”
“You know I have,” I said. “But never stupidly.”
“Give it time. I see the way you’ve been eyeing that blonde. She’s the one your brother hired to help with your father.”
I hadn’t talked to Gunner in a while. Life had gotten in the way. But the way news traveled in this town, I wasn’t surprised he knew about Sunshine. “I’m not in love with her. I barely know her.”
“Maybe not now. But you can’t keep your eyes off of her. I know the feeling.”
“I can tell you Sunshine’s nothing like Bianca.”
He scoffed. “Thought you didn’t know her.”
I knew Bianca wouldn’t walk more than a few feet to an awaiting car, whereas Sunshine had been willing to walk all the way to town from the ranch. I ignored his statement. “What do you want to do about Bianca?”
“I don’t care about her. I want my son. He’s mine, regardless of who fathered him.”
“Good answer.” I leaned back. “Have you heard about my daughter?” His eyes widened. So he didn’t know. “You were right. The girl from that party all those years ago you saw pregnant? Well, she’s claiming her daughter is mine. I didn’t want to believe it. But when I saw Zoe, I knew. She’s mine and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her, even though I only met her yesterday. I get it. You raised that boy, he’s yours. And I’m going to do everything I can to help you get him back.”
“If we are going to do this, you can’t look like Grizzly Adams.”
“Grizzly Adams?”
He was a character from an old show my dad used to watch. I waved Gunner off and circled my finger around my face. “All of that. If you go to court, you’ve got to look like you give a damn.”
“Whatever it takes.”
I nodded. “I saw Wyatt. Can’t believe he’s a cop.”
Gunner grinned for the first time. We had all gone to school together. “A cop on the side. He does carpentry or something like that. And he married Sadie Michaels.”
“You didn’t know? They have a kid on the way.”
“A lot has changed,” I said.
“There’s more.”
As we ate, he filled me in on all the people we’d grown up with. By the time I left, I knew more than I wanted to know—and Gunner and I had discussed the first steps in getting his son back. I would meet him at his house later this week.
Sunshine was gone by the time I’d left the diner. I checked the time as I was walking to my car and spotted Sunshine on a bench in the square behind the town hall. I headed in her direction.
When I reached her, I asked, “Would you like a ride home?”
She looked up from the tablet she held and quickly put it face down in her lap. “I’ll be fine.”
“Actually, I selfishly need your help. I promised Zoe I’d get her dollhouse and I think it may require more than my two hands to move.”
Her lips curved up. “So, this is a favor? Or part of my duties?” she teased.
“Whichever you prefer. And maybe on the way, we can discuss your position.”
She frowned. “Yes, I guess it would be a good time to do that.”
I didn’t like the way her mood changed and prayed that she wouldn’t quit on me. Nate had given me the basics of what he was paying her when I finally read all his messages. The rate seemed fair, but I was willing to bump it up to keep her. Dad and Zoe adored her. That kind of affection was priceless.
She followed me to the truck, which was parked closer to the salon. We got looks as we walked, people probably creating a narrative about us to share with their friends. I, personally, didn’t care what anyone said about me. I hoped whatever gossip they came up with, it didn’t scare off Sunshine.