Page 15 of Perfect Attraction
When he opened my door, he said, “We better go. She’s given me five minutes and not a second more.”
I snorted. “Of course she has.”
We didn’t waste time. The inside of Zoe’s mom’s trailer was small but clean. There was no mistaking the huge dollhouse in the corner.
“We should secure the stuff inside,” I said.
“We could. But I’m afraid Haley’s mom might call the cops. I think I can grab it. You make sure nothing falls out.”
I hated to admit that we worked well together as a team. Once the dollhouse was secure in the cargo bed, we high-fived each other. In that moment, our eyes were locked and heat flared between us.
“We should go,” we both said at the same time.
There was another second or two before he moved. He opened up my door, and I actually liked the chivalrous move. So much for I am woman, hear me roar. I was melting because my boss was being nice. What was wrong with me? I slid in the cab and made the mistake of connecting with his eyes. I licked my lips and turned to face forward. The door closed and the moment was gone. It was likely for the best.
“What did Zoe’s grandmother say?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.
“Called me a terrible father and said I should have known.”
“What did you say back?”
“I asked why she cared, since she took my dad’s money all those years ago and hadn’t once called to check on her granddaughter since dropping her off.”
“Good for you.”
We drove home in silence the rest of the way and said little when we got there. The dollhouse made it safely to Zoe’s room before we awkwardly parted.
I went to my room and fell on my bed to peer at the ceiling, wondering what it would be like if Mitchell were stretched next to me. I closed my eyes and imagined his large, warm body next to mine. What would it feel like if he really touched me? I craved his weight on me and all that would come after.
Why was it the first time in my life I got butterflies, it was for a man I couldn’t have? Having the hots for my boss couldn’t go anywhere. Life was so unfair.
My phone rang, and I stared at it for a second. It wasn’t often I got calls. A number I didn’t recognize was on the screen. I almost didn’t answer. It could be from the people sending me the letters. But I picked up anyway.
“Hello,” I said cautiously.
“Hey, it’s Shaina. I know it’s kind of soon. We just met and all,” she said on a laugh. “But I was hoping maybe we could go out this weekend.”
“This is kind of fast,” I teased. “For a first date and all.”
She giggled at my joke. “I know. But I really want to check out the single life at Pony Up and you’re my only single friend. And maybe you might find someone other than your boss to drool over, not that I don’t approve of a good boss romance. My last book was about one,” she said in a single breath.
“You have to share the title.” I hadn’t been to Pony Up yet either. Dating hadn’t been on my radar, and I hadn’t had anyone to go with. “You know what? Going to the bar sounds fun. Let me see if I can get off Friday or Saturday.” Based on my agreement with Mitchell, I was entitled to one of those nights.
“Cool. It should be fun.”
We ended the call. I hoped she was right. Maybe I could find someone else to give me butterflies, if for nothing more than to take my mind off of Mitchell Bowmen.
It had been a few days since I’d picked up the dollhouse for Zoe. I couldn’t say who had been avoiding who, but we’d barely looked at each other. She’d made excuses not to eat meals with us. We needed to clear the air.
I stood as Zoe walked from school. She hadn’t yet told me anything was wrong. I didn’t push like Sunshine suggested. She was happy enough, all things considered. It was just when we got to school her mood would change. But what kid loved school? I told myself.
Then a group of kids approached her. They were talking loud enough I could hear.
“Zoe’s mother is a whore,” they chanted, and I had my answer.
Apparently, there was a switch that was immediately turned on when you became a parent or when you found out you were. Like a bear awakened from hibernation, I inwardly growled as I marched forward.
Little Zoe rolled her eyes like she’d endured this abuse for a while. “My dad is mad,” she said, glancing in my direction.
“You don’t have a dad,” one of the little assholes said.