Page 9 of The Marriage Mistake
He stares for a single second before bringing his attention to Liam’s pile of clothes in front of him. He madly stuffs something into his tiny monkey vest.
“What do you have there?” I ask in my sweetest voice, walking around the bed as I do.
He chitters back, still stuffing away.
I round the bed, stupidly making little clucking sounds in my mouth.
What attracts monkeys?
When I see what he has, though, all I can do is gape.
Sitting on the floor by the bed iseven more money!
And this little asshole is stuffing bills into his vest.
“Hey, monkey!” I yell, reaching for him. “Stop it!”
He grabs one more bill before making a run for it. I chase, thumping all across the room before he climbs up the closet door, turning and perching to watch us. An evil little smile sprouts up on his face.
That little thief.
Becky and Liam stir in the commotion. Tangled limbs pull free as they sit up, looking around in confusion.
“Sammi?” Becky croaks.
“Where’d all this come from?” I ask, balling a fist of money up to wave at them.
They exchange confused looks, Liam’s shrug serving as my only answer.
I turn to leave, but instead slam face-first into Lock’s chiseled chest.
I glare at the Australian flag looking back at me, refusing to meet his eyes.
“Could you fucking move?”
He chuckles at me in response. I fucking hate his sexy laugh.
“Sorry,” he says, not looking sorry at all, “I just thought after last night, you wouldn’t mind being close to me.”
Again with last night.
I push roughly past him, banging my shoulder on the doorway as I do. I’ve had enough of his fucking comments about the night he remembers that I don’t.
“Come on, Sammi,” he coos. “You couldn’t possibly have forgotteneverythingabout last night.”
I don’t even grace him with a response.
He’s right on my heels as I march across the hotel room/ “I guess it’s okay if you did,” he persists. “I can always remind you.”
I stop abruptly, feeling him collide into my back as I do.
Whipping around, I point in the general direction of the exit.
“Out.” I say, teeth gritted.
“Aw, come on!”