Page 105 of The Better Bride
I feel myself melting into his arms, and he pulls me close so that my head can rest against his chest.
“And besides, after that fight in the lobby, I knew you wouldn’t have called me if you had any other option. It didn’t matter how mad I was, or whether or not you would’ve ever remembered. Mysti, I was going to come for you.”
I squeeze Brendon tight against me for a moment, stunned into silence. Here I was, thinking that marrying someone boring and respectable like Norbert would make me happy—that someone who had no life was the only man I could rely on.
But, no. Turns out the fucking love of my life was right under my nose and related to my best friend this whole time.
“I love you, Brendon.”
“I love you too, Mysti May.”
He pulls me in for another kiss, and I don’t want to let him go, even as I hear Becky’s voice over my shoulder, “Okay guys, let’s break it up.” As though she wasn’t just digging for gold behind Liam’s tonsils.
“Should we go back inside?” Sammi asks, her hands resting on Lock’s chest as he wraps an arm around her waist. I peer over the edge of the roof and down to the ground, but it’s way too high to be jumping height. I look at our makeshift rope as it flaps in the breeze.
“Can the bedsheets handle us all?”
“I can climb first,” Lock suggests, raising a hand, “and then if it breaks, I can just pull you all up instead.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Lock steps forward and climbs up the bedsheet rope with ease. As he disappears through the window, I hear Sammi murmur under her breath, “God, look at that ass.”
Lock reappears through the window with a thumbs up and calls down, “I think it’ll hold!”
“Who wants to go next?” Sammi asks.
“Mysti can go next,” Brendon says, and nudges me toward the bedsheets.
“You just wanna stare at my ass as I climb!” I call over my shoulder, and place one leg on the wall, using the tension to pull myself up.
“Guilty as charged!”
Lock pulls me through the window, and I step back out into the main room of the suite as the rest of our party climb up.
In addition to last night’s smell of tequila and sex, the room now reeks of gasoline. The housekeeping staff is going to hate us, if they don’t already. It’s time to cut our losses and check out before the entire hotel’s staff—really, all of Vegas—starts making Voodoo dolls in our images.
The girls step into the room with me, and together we stare at the chaos. Becky leans down to lift up the empty plastic wrapping that was used to hold the cocaine. At least the illegal white substance has gone the way of Alphonso’s henchmen—into the wind.
“This is going to be one expensive hotel bill,” Sammi says.
“Why don’t we go down to the casino?” Brendon suggests as he and the boys walk into the room behind us. “After the luck we had today, it’d be stupid not to see how much farther it’ll go.”
“I mean, you’ve got a point,” I laugh and begin to step toward the door. “Come on then, guys, let’s go get lucky.”
“Now you’re speaking my language,” Brendon says as we exit.
One by one, we file out into the hallway, with Liam the last to exit. But before the doorway was fully shut, he catches the heavy wooden door. “Wait, I forgot something.”
He disappears into the room, and we listen to the noises of him searching for something. When he returns, he hangs the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door handle.
“Let’s at least buy some time before they kick us out,” he says, grinning smugly at himself and the rest of us.
We laugh and head toward the elevator. As the doors open, the elderly couple in Hawaiian shirts from earlier are already standing inside. Sammi, Becky, Percy, Lock, Liam, and Anton all manage to squeeze in, but Brendon and I have to wait for the next one.
“We’ll catch you in the casino,” I say as the doors slide close and they begin to descend.
“I don’t know,” Brandon says, slipping his hand down my back until it rests on my ass, smacking it lightly in the middle of the corridor. “Will we?”
“What do you have in mind?” I ask as I turn to him, my lips curling into a smile. I’ve already got an idea what he wants.
“Well, gambling is nice and all.” Brendon lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist. “But wouldn’t you like to get lucky another way?”