Page 16 of The Better Bride
Chapter 5
Mysti May
“Mysti May, you lose that judgy look of yoursright now! You are not allowed to evenglanceat me when I’ve just found out youfuckedmybrother!” Becky yells, announcing the news—and mind you, it’s news even to me—to the entire suite.
I follow her command and lower my gaze.
“Becky, I swear, it’s not like that. I—” I start, but Brendon interjects.
“It’s a lot like that, actually,” he interjects.
“I can’t believe you! You and Brendon…shit, Mysti May. I mean, I’ll admit you’d make the cutest fucking kids ever if you were together, but fuck! That’s beside the point! That’s mybrother!”
I look at her and then him, my mouth agape, still finding the words. I clench my teeth, and my mouth molds into a grimace as I sigh and rethink my explanation.
“Can we all just take a moment here to piece this together?” I plead. “I don’t know what even happened last night, or how we’re even here, and I’d like to process that before I dive into this can of worms, if you don’t fucking mind.”
“You know what, Mysti, that’s just fine with me. I didn’t even come down here to deal with this. I have my own shit I need help with,” she admits.
She turns to her brother, doing her best to avert her eyes from his massive package and grabs his shoulders.
“What’s happening?” he asks.
“Don’t worry about it. Just put on some pants and follow my lead,” she returns.
“Follow your lead? I’m in front of you. I’m walking backward,” he reasons.
“Shh, it’s fine,” she says, shutting him down, and simultaneously pushing him through the front door and locking the handle as she shuts it.
“Hey! Becky! Can I at least have my pants?” he shouts through the door.
“Oh my god, Brendon! You’re fine. Give me a few minutes!” she shouts.
“Becky! What the hell? He’s naked. You can’t just shove him outside like a dog!” I argue.
“Seriously. We have a bigger problem than Brendon right now,” she reveals.
“Becky, really? What in the world could be more earth-shattering than this right now?” I ask. “Because I just…well, Brendon and I just both cheated on our fiancés, and I don’t know how I’m supposed to handle that.”
“This isn’t even real right now, Mysti. I don’t know how to even say it out loud,” she starts.
“Becky? What’s going on? Just spit it out. I’m not judging you. We’ve all fucking been here before at this point,” I say, encouraging her.
“I cheated on Liam,” she admits, her voice shaking as she speaks the words aloud.
My heart drops. Like, sinks six feet under the fucking floorboards. My knees are weak, my heart is heavy, and my chest is tight.
And all of it isn’t even for my own predicament; it’s for hers.
“God, I know! How could I do this to him? And how do I not remember getting so fucked up? Fuck, Mysti. I really fucked up,” she wails.
“Becky, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” I say, trying to comfort her.