Page 19 of The Better Bride
Chapter 6
Mysti May
I take a deep breath and push the bathroom door open, only to find myself in disbelief yet again as I stare down Percy and Sammi, handcuffed to a towel rack.
Percy has a toilet plunger in her hand while Sammi waves a toilet brush in the face of a large white tiger, pacing around, growling at them as they fearfully attempt to defend themselves.
I’m so shocked that I don’t even try to speak or scream. Beads of sweat start rolling down my face, and I just stand there, trembling, watching this tiger control the room with women scared shitless at the sight of it.
Sammi and Percy are shocked white, and shit, I’m sure I am, too. I make an audible gulp, swallowing the nervous spit I’ve collected in my mouth. The tiger’s ear turns in my direction, and it spots me and turns, starting to move toward me.
By the time I think to react, I can’t even reach out to close the door again.
Well, this is how I go. I die because of a tiger that looks suspiciously like a part of the Siegfried and Roy show.
“Uh, Sammi? Percy?” I say, my voice cracking. “Why is there a tiger in the bathroom?” I go ahead and ask. Why not solve the curiosity before I’m shredded to bits by this guy?
“Y-your guess is as good as ours, Mysti. I just remember waking up, wondering why my arm felt funny and realized I was handcuffed to the towel bar. I shook the hell out of my arm before I noticed, and I guess the noise woke him up,” Sammi explains.
I take in her words as I dance in a circle with this four-legged killing machine. I know nothing about survival in the wild, so I have literally no idea how to get myself out of this without throwing Sammi or Percy in its path. And I sure as shit can’t do that.
But I can’t just die, either. I have so many questions unanswered about life and a fiancé ready to marry me today. I hope.
I still haven’t figured out what’s going on there.
As these thoughts cross my mind all at once, I stumble over the bath rug on the floor in front of the shower. I try to grab the shower curtain but fail, and my ass falls right into the tub.
“Aaaahhhh!” I scream as I watch this tiger back up and start bolting toward me.
“MYSTI MAY!” Sammi, Percy, and Becky all shout as they watch in horror.
This is it.
This is how I die.
I see this tiger’s teeth and wince and shut my eyes abruptly, wishing to go as quickly and quietly as possible.
As his monstrous paw lands on my shoulder and his cold, wet nose presses against my skin, I’m in sudden shock to discover I’m not ripped to pieces. He sticks out his tongue and drags it across the skin of my face and backs up and sits.
Holy shit.
This fucker was playing with me the whole time.
He’s a show animal.
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” I exclaim. “He’s a show tiger. He’s not going to hurt anyone.”
“God, I thought he was too pretty to kill me!” Percy shouts. “Honestly, judging by his physique, I’m not surprised. He’s a little chunky to be wild, yeah?”
“Yeah, yeah, I can see that,” Sammi agrees.
I sit, my heart thrashing in my chest as I listen to the two of them comment on the weight of an animal that has the potential to demolish them at the drop of a hat if it wants to.
“Do you think now’s the time, ladies?” I interject.
“Oh, shit. Right,” Percy says. “Sorry, Mysti May.”