Page 27 of The Better Bride
Chapter 9
“Lookin’ good,” a cute little blonde says to me as I walk by her in the hotel lobby.
I walk out of the hotel and start heading down the Strip. Maybe I should feel a little self-conscious. Becky didn’t even throw any clothes my way, after all. But why should I? I work out; I keep myself in shape for just such an occasion.
Well, not this specific occasion. How weird would it be if I worked out and ate right just so I could confidently strut down the street in the nude? Really weird.
But I do like to think about how I’ll look strutting across the bedroom to my latest love, or how my muscles will ripple and flex as I’m slamming my dick in and out of whatever hot cunt I’m fucking that night.
Those days are over, though. No more random hook-ups for me. Last night hardly falls into the category of random, but it’s one that’ll last much longer than just one night, I have no doubt.
I cross the street—waiting for the right light first, of course; I don’t need to get a ticket for jaywalking on top of everything else. Where would I put the ticket, anyway?
I look up to see a kindred spirit up ahead.
As I walk past Naked Guitar Man, he tips his hat at me and says, “I like your style, pardner.”
“Right back atcha,” I return the compliment with a little salute of my own. We naked men have to stick together, after all.
He starts strumming a little tune. It’s some song about how your true self is hidden underneath your clothes or something like that.
Funny, Naked Guitar Man. Really funny.
Whistling my own little tune, I saunter down the sidewalk, thinking back to the feel of Mysti May in my arms, her soft, supple skin as my hands glided all over her. But it’s more than just the carnal desire I felt for her. Havealwaysfelt for her.
Since Becky first introduced me to her friend way back when, I’ve had it bad for that tight little body. Last night, though, was something entirely different.
I’ve been with plenty of women, but I’m no heartless cad. I love women. I love the way their bodies fit into mine.
But I’ve never felt such a seismic shift in my entire being like I felt with Mysti.
I thought I loved Henrietta. No, that’s a lie. It was…comfortable with her, nothing more.
You settle when you settle down, right? That’s what I always thought. Until Mysti May, that is.
No one settles for her.
No, you thank your lucky stars she’s giving you the time of day. And you never let her go. That fiancé of hers is a Class A idiot.
Not that mine was any better! Good thing I dumped her cheating ass.
“Well, I never!” a white-haired lady says as she passes by with her equally judgmental friend. They’re practically clutching their pearls at the sight of my dick swinging around in the Vegas morning air.
“You should, lady. You should,” I say with this stupid grin I can’t seem to get rid of. Everyoneshouldfeel this way.
The whole world should feel a love like this, although I can’t imagine anyone feeling what I’m feeling. It’s too big for mere mortals.
Good thing I’m a fucking king!
And I’ve found my queen.
“Jesus, fella,” a guy groans from his stool in front of a run-down saloon. With his shaggy hair and worn-out shirt, he looks just as run-down as the place he’s barking in front of. I can only imagine the clientele that frequentsthatcasino.