Page 29 of The Better Bride
Chapter 10
Mysti May
“Let’s figure this shit out, y’all,” I say, launching into boss mode. “You know the drill.”
“Yep,” Percy says as she stands up, swaying a little. “Let’s fan out and search for clues to explain what the hell we did last night.”
“Orwhowe did,” Becky says. “Although, that’s partly been answered. I fucked my husband, thank God. And little Miss Mysti May here fucked my little brother.”
“Nothing about him is little, Becky,” I say before I can catch myself. “Not that I was looking at Brendon’s dick. It’s just, you know, it wasright there”—I place my palm inches from my face—“when I woke up.”
“Iwas looking,” Percy says with wide eyes as she puts her hands a few feet apart, like she’s measuring a record-length catfish.
“We were all looking as he strutted his way around here,” Sammi confirms. “Well, everyone who’s not linked to him through DNA, that is.”
“New subject, guys,” Becky says cringing. “Please.”
“Like finding stuff to explain what we did last night,” I suggest, feeling my blood pressure rising from not being able to recall anything.
“Why don’t we start with this?” Sammi says. We all follow where her finger is pointing.
There on the living room coffee table is a tableau right out of Scarface: a huge block of cocaine sitting right on the table, on a bed of what looks like a dozen roses.
“You think it’s real?” Sammi asks.
“You can always do a few lines and see,” Percy says, always the instigator.
“Uh-uh. The last thing we need is to be high on top of everything else,” I say, steering Sammi away from the white block.
“We’ll piece this together, Mysti,” Becky says with a reassuring pat on my back. “Don’t worry, girl.”
“Who knows,” Percy says, “maybe it’s all just a big misunderstanding, and you and Norbert will laugh at this on your honeymoon?”
Sammi just gives me a sympathetic look as she heads out toward one of the other bedrooms. I head back into the room I woke up in, but not before I hear Sammi whisper to Percy, “Does Norbert laugh?”
Great, he’s probably never going to forgive me, and my friends still think he’s an emotionless drone.
I enter the room, and—
It’s trashed.
Really, the whole suite is trashed, but it looks like this room was Ground Zero of the biggest tornado ever. It’sdefinitelythe site of my personal natural disaster, that’s for sure.
I walk across the floor, kicking empty beer cans as I go. I do my best not to glance at the bed, with its rumpled sheets. It’s best not to think about what happenedtherelast night and just head straight for the bathroom.
Even though I know what I’ll find, I still have to open the curtains and see the Vegas skyline for myself. Sure enough, my view isn’t of the Mexican coast, but the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower.
Yep, only one place in the world where you’ll see them sharing a sky—Las Vegas.Fuck.
I still don’t know how I got here, though.
I open the closet and get the scare of my life when a blow-up doll dressed as a doctor pops out at me—at least, he’s got the white coat and stethoscope, but with nothing else on. And not only does it have a realistic-looking dildo attached to it, too, but its mouth has a mechanical tongue.
I set it aside, for now, to check out the bathroom.
“What the fuck?!”