Page 37 of The Better Bride
“Well, I do have a Ph.D. in psychology,” she says, helping her friend up and heading for the door. “Dancing just pays a helluva lot more.”
And, with the click of the door closing, my insightful long-legged dancer and her friend are gone. Suddenly, I wish I could carry her around with me all the time so she could explain the motivations behind all of my choices.
I wouldn’t take her with me to explain everything to Norbert though. Her argument wouldnotget me out of hot water with him, that’s for sure.
I collapse back on the couch, ready to just give up and accept my fate as Norbert’s ex-fiancée.
“I’ve got it,” Percy says triumphantly, running up and jumping on me. “Yes, you were drugged, but there’s no reason he has to know we did it to ourselves! Just tell him someone slipped something into our drinks that caused us to go crazy last night.”
“That’s great,” Becky says like a Mother Hen. “It’s always good to start a marriage on a lie.”
“Shush, you,” I say, warming up to Percy’s idea. “It’s at most a half-lie. And if it’ll get me back in Norbert’s good graces and make last night just fade away, I’m all for it.”
“I’ve got it!” Sammi says, running into the room with a damp piece of paper. “I found something!”
Choosing to ignore Becky’s eye roll, I turn to Sammi, “Shut the front door! You rescued something from that soaked thing?”
“You bet I did,” Sammi says, eager to show me what she found. “It’s a receipt dated yesterday for a rental car.”
“You mean we drove from Mexico?” Percy asks.
“I don’t know about that,” Sammi says. “Some of the details are smeared too much to read.”
Becky, Percy and I all slump at that answer.
“No guys, listen,” Sammi says, sitting eagerly on the edge of the coffee table. “The important thing is I can read that it’s a red Acura sedan. That’s got to be enough, right?”
We look at her, not meeting her level of excitement.
“Don’t you see? If we find it, there might be all kinds of clues inside,” Sammi says, heading for the door.
“That’sifwe find it,” Becky says from beside me on the couch. “It could be anywhere in Vegas.”
“Maybe,” Sammi says.
I can tell she’s about to lose her patience when she starts speaking slowly and enunciating like she’s doing right now.
“But what if it’s down at the valet?” she continues. “You can’t park anywhere in Vegas without paying out the nose, so wouldn’t it make sense that we’d park it here?”
I slowly head toward the door, with Percy and Becky following me. “That’s assuming we were sensible last night, and I’ve yet to see any evidence of that.”
“But you’re right, Sammi,” Becky says closing the door behind us as we head for the elevators. “We might luck out and get all our questions answered.”
“Stranger things have happened,” Percy says.
Getting on the elevator, we join two women already riding down. As soon as the doors close, they continue their conversation.
“I’m just hoping we see that naked guy again,” the blond girl says. “He was gorgeous.”
Percy elbows me in the side. I look over to Becky, who’s standing on the other side of the girls. She looks like she wants to melt into the wall.
I can’t say I blame her—who wants to hear over and over how gorgeous her brother is? Especially when you know they’re talking about his naked body?
“The things I would do to that man!” the brunette says.
Thankfully the dinging of the elevator saves us—well, me, at least—from hearing exactly what she would do to the naked man who, technically, is my husband. Not that it matters. He’s not the man I planned to marry today.
We head out to the valet stand, Sammi and her wet receipt leading the way. As we go through the sliding doors, we’re greeted by fire engines and hot firemen. And fire and smoke. Lots of fire and smoke.