Page 39 of The Better Bride
Chapter 14
Stretching what’s acceptable to wear even in a Vegas strip club, I walk into my brother-in-law’s club still nude. It’s hard to unlock your suite without pockets to hold keys, I unfortunately discovered.
The high I was feeling cruising down the Vegas Street started to go away after a few incredibly uncomfortable elevator rides. Luckily though, Liam should be able to help me, even if I do end up walking out of here in some type of break-away costume.
Liam is behind the bar, looking like his night was just as wild as I know it was. He’s holding his head as only a person with a hangover can do.
“Hey, I’ll take your Elvis costume if you’re done with it,” I say, coming over to the bar.
Liam is wearing actual clothes, not his lame jumpsuit from the night before. Although, seeing Liam don the Elvis gear was like seeing someone transform into another person before my eyes.
He looks up from some concoction he’s forcing down his throat and starts laughing.
“The girls kicked you out, too, I see,” he says.
“Ugh,” I groan, “what gave it away?”
“Besides your lack of clothing?” Liam jokes. “Oh, just that it’s their signature move.”
“I’m begging you, as family, take pity on me,” I say as I move to slide onto a bar stool.
“Don’t even think about it,” Liam says, holding up his hand to prevent me from sitting. “I’m not exactly a hands-on boss, but I’m pretty sure that’d be a health-code violation.”
“Oh, we probably broke about fifty violations in here last night,” I joke, still standing by the bar. “Clothes? Please?”
“Come with,” he says, leading me back to his office.
Yeah—a man leading a naked man into a dark corner of a club.
Nothing suspicious about that.
Liam flips on the light as he enters his cramped office. He tosses me a pile of clothes from his desk, and it takes me a minute to realize that they’re my clothes from last night. Miracles really do exist.
“Have the girls come by yet?” I ask as I slip on my clothes.
“Not yet,” Liam says as he sits down behind his desk. “But I expect them any time now, searching for answers to the mystery that is last night.”
“You’re going all poetic on me,” I say, feeling like I can finally relax, now that all my important parts are covered up.
I fall into a chair in front of Liam’s desk, putting my feet up on the messy desk.
“Well, I’m not the one in the hot seat, so to speak. So I have the luxury of enjoying the show this time around,” Liam says.
“What about that show last night?” I ask. “Who knew Mysti had such a killer right hook on her?”
“Keep that in mind if you ever forget her birthday,” Liam laughs. “It does bode well for you two that she instinctively ran to your defense, though.”
“Instinct or not,” I say, “What I really need is for her to remember everything from last night, especially the fact that she’s my wife.”
“You woke up with her. If you didn’t tell her about the wedding, what did you tell her?”
“Just the highlights. You know, we had mind-blowing sex all night long. The important stuff.”
“The important stuff?” Liam asks with a raised eyebrow. “And anything about Norbert or the wedding didn’t figure into the ‘important stuff’?”