Page 52 of The Better Bride
Chapter 19
Mysti May
Well, at least that explains where the police badge came from.
“You’re just going to leave me here?!” I say in disbelief as Brendon heads for the door. “At least uncuff me, you dick.”
Okay, so that’s a bit harsh, especially considering how well his dick pleased me last night. Multiple times, for sure.But at the moment I’m facing the prospect of being handcuffed to a chair in a closet for who knows how long.
Brendon stops at the door and turns back to me. He straddles my chair and takes my head in both his hands. Leaning down, he brings my mouth to his. Our tongues swirl together for what seems like a blissful eternity before Brendon breaks our kiss.
“You’ll be fine, my love,” he whispers into my neck. “Youhave a way of always coming out on top.”
Without uttering another word, he walks out, leaving me alone cuffed to a chair.
What good is remembering details of the night before if I don’t have anyone to tell?
“Help! Sammi! Becky!” The loud thumping music will probablydrown out my yells, but I have to try. “Percy! Anyone?”
I yell some more, hoping someone will hear me in here. I’m sure they’re worried sick about me, right? By now, they’ve probably broken up into search parties and are scouring the place grid by grid like they always do on those cop shows when they’re looking for a missing person.
I hate to think how worried they are about me. Just when I’m about to go hoarse from screaming, the door cracks open and Becky’s head peeks around the corner.
“What’s up?” she says as Percy and Sammi push in behind her, sending all three of them crashing into the tiny room.
“Look at you,” Percy says fingering the handcuffs. “Someone’s been having fun.”
I look at the three of them, each with a drink in their hands. I get the feeling from the way they’re swaying slightly and how Sammi’s eyes are glazed over just a little that they’re not on their first round of cocktails.
“So y’all were worried sick about me, I see,” I say as I roll my eyes. My dry throat makes me cough, and Becky brings her drink to me, putting the straw in my mouth. Hangover or not, that’s a damn fine beverage.
“The key’s on the table over there,” I say motioning with my head where to look.
Percy makes quick work of freeing me from the cuffs and I can’t help but rub my wrists just likehow they do it in the movies. It does help them feel better, I have to admit.
“What’s wrong with this scene?” Sammi says. “Percy’s usually the one handcuffed to things…and people.”
“That’s probably why she was able to find the key so quickly,” Becky says. “She has a sixth sense for them.”
I take another sip of Becky’s drink and tell them the good news.
“I was definitely here with Brendon last night.”
“Oh, you remembered?” Percy asks excitedly.
“Well, I had a little help,” I say, glancing back at the chair. “Let’s just say Brendon helped me come up with the memory.”
“My brother was here?” Becky asks, bringing me in for a hug. “He just couldn’t wait to see you, could he?”
“They’re on their honeymoon, after all,” Sammi deadpans.
“Back to the important stuff—what did you remember?” Percy asks.
I take a step toward the table—the same table Brendon bent me over last night—and splay my hands on the surface. Just the thought of the ways he so thoroughly pleased me last nightmakes me blush. Hopefully, the girls won’t notice.