Page 55 of The Better Bride
Chapter 20
Mysti May
“This can’t be the right address,” Percy says as we tumble out of the cab.
The address Clarisse, scribbled on the palm of my hand may be a little smudged at this point, but this is the address she told us to check out.
This is the place where we’re supposed to find out about the lobsters, but from the outside, it doesn’t look like much.
Actually, it looksabandoned.
It’s just a fucking warehouse in the middle of nowhere, except the building and the parking lot look like they achieved worn-out status about five years ago. Now, they’re downright decrepit.
Before we can even decide to cut our losses and head back without finding out about the mystery of the lobsters, the cab driver is gone, screeching his tires for good measure.
Something tells me that’s not a good sign of what we might find inside.
“Let’s just get in and out,” I say, ready to tackle this mystery and willing myself to sound braver than I actually feel right now. “By my calculations, I can still make it to my wedding. We just have to hustle.”
“Aren’t you forgetting a few things?” Sammi asks.
“Like you’re already married—to my brother?”
“Becky,” I say in a soothing voice as I place a hand on each of her slender shoulders, “I doubt that wedding was even real. I don’t remember signing a license. Besides, there’s got to be quickie divorce stands throughout this city, right?”
“What’s your plan, exactly?” Percy probes, her eyes zeroing in on me.
“Glad you asked,” I respond in a chipper voice.
I’m brimming over with newfound hope that everything is going to fall into place, and this little adventure will be something Norbert and I laugh about in years to come—many, many years to come, probably.
“It’s so simple,” I begin. “Hear me out: we go in here and solve the lobster mystery. Percy, you’ll call your hubby and get us a private jet to take us to my wedding. Becky and Sammi, you’re on hair and makeup duty on the plane. By the time we land and I step off the plane, I’ll be ready to walk down the aisle.”
I’m feeling so triumphant now that I’ve detailed my bulletproof plan.
“You do realize what time it is, right?” Becky asks. How are you going to get all that done?”
“As long as we leave Vegas by five, we’ll have enough time to make it to my wedding.”
“That gives us about four hours to solve the lobster mystery—”
“—collect all our things from our suite—”
“—find out if you’re really married or not—”
“—and figure out why we came to Vegas in the first place,” I conclude our little round-robin of exposition. “Yep, plenty of time.”
All three are looking at me like I’ve sprouted a second head.
“Plenty—of—time,” I say firmly.
Maybe by sheer determination, I’ll be able to stop time long enough to get all of last night’s mysteries answered in time to stand beside Norbert and start our life together.
“Mysti, are you feeling okay?” Becky asks.
“Yeah,” Sammi agrees. “I think you might be in shock.”