Page 66 of The Better Bride
My lips crash into hers, and she falls against me, but then abruptly pushes me away.
“What the hell!? You can’t just kiss me like that…after whatever the fuck just happened!” She yells.
I stumble backward, but find my bearings swiftly, pushing her body against the wall with mine…again.
“Who is following you? Mysti, they fired a gun at you!” I cradle her head in my hands and stare down at her plump and trembling lips.
“I don’t know! If you think I did, why would I be here right now?” She squirms in my arms, but not hard enough to loosen my grip.
“Why are you here? Do you have something to do with it? You couldn’t have just known where we were and come and save me like that? You’re no knight in shining armor!” She barks at me.
I thrust my dick against her groin, creating more friction between us. Our breaths are slowly steadying, but our hearts are pounding against each other.
The endorphins from the car chase still haven’t worn off, and fuck, it’s making me so horny.
Now that I have her safely tucked away, I want to devour her.
I kiss her again, more passionately than the last, and she melts into me. She grabs my shirt and pulls it closer to her, searing our bodies together. My hips begin to grind into hers, and I grab a leg and wrap it around my waist.
But she jerks her lips away and turns her face toward the opening of the alley.
“No, Brandon, I want answers. Why were you there? Do you know something I don’t?”
“About those gun-wielding maniacs in that white muscle car? No. I don’t know anything about that. If anything, you should be thanking me.”
She snaps her head around and her eyes narrow. Forcing her leg out of my hand, she pushes me away and steps forward toward the street.
“What are you doing, Mysti?” I tug at her hand, pulling her back to the corner. “Do you think I went down here for shits and giggles? Stay here, hidden away from the street. That way if those assholes do come back, they won’t be able to see you.”
She huffs, loudly. “Alright. But stay away from me. We’re supposed to be getting married, remember? That’s where I should be right now.”
“Last I checked,weare married,” I smirk, knowing that it’s the last thing she wants to hear. But I don’t care, I love hearing it.
“Brendon. Stop. You know, this,” she waves her finger between us, “is not right. It’s not normal. Hell, I just got shot at today and you saved me. What normal couple could say that?” Throwing her head back on the brick wall, she sighs and slides down to the concrete.
I bend down and lift her chin up to me. “What’s normal anyway?”
She shakes her head, and throws up her hands, like some petulant child. I just chuckle, watching her sulk.
“Are you laughing at me?” She shoots her eyes back up and glares at me.
“I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at this whole damn thing. How do you…no, you girls, get yourselves into these fucking messes so often?”
Ignoring my question, she gets back up and I follow her. She lifts my shirt into her hands like some goddamn bully. Too bad I’m twice her size.
“What do you know? Why were you here? God damn it, Brandon, tell me already! I’m getting so fucking fed up with this shit!”
I put my hands up in surrender. Maybe, it’s because I like to see her like this, all disheveled and angry, or maybe, it’s because I do want to help her, but I finally give in and tell her. At least what I know.
“I can help you out with one of your mysteries,” I lead on.
She raises an eyebrow and tilts her head, her curiosity now piqued.
“Please, do go on. We don’t have all day, Sherlock.”
I smile, she’s so damn hot when she’s feisty like this.
“Do you want to know where the gold teeth came from?” I ask, and her eyes widen in anticipation and shock.