Page 68 of The Better Bride
Chapter 25
Mysti May
“Brendon, what are we doing here?” I shout at him over the roar of his bike as we pull up to the casino entrance of the Royale.
Seriously?Thisis his big reveal?
A damn casino. It’s not like I haven’t already thought of this.
Once the bike comes to a stop, I slide off it almost immediately, feeling more annoyed than I probably should.
I’m just so fed up with all this bullshit. I was bored before, when everyone was trying to piece shit together, and I’m still bored now. Despite almost getting killed.
Though I’ll admit that did put a pep in my step.
“This is what I was talking about.” He takes his helmet off and proceeds to dismantle from his bike and walk towards me.
I keep him at arm’s length, needing to keep a safe distance between us. I can’t let him keep touching me like he has. This situation is bad enough as it is, and letting him get to me is not making it any better.
“Please, help a girl out here. How does this”—I wave my hands around at the Royale—“help me figure out the mystery of the gold teeth?” I ask sarcastically while I put my hands on my hip, giving him my best Southern attitude.
“Before you get all fussy, let’s go inside, shall we?” His lips curl up into a teasing smirk, and he takes my elbow into his hand, guiding me toward the front door.
“I still don’t get what this will do,” I insist. “Are you deliberately trying to waste my time?”
He stops mere steps away from the entrance and grabs me by the shoulders, squaring me to him.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Mysti?”
“What?” I plead innocence.
He glares into my eyes, and they feel like daggers shooting into me. Luckily, I’m immune to those looks. Brendon doesn’t scare me.
“You really think I’d waste your time?”
“Quite possibly. I’m not sure what you’re doing at this moment. Or how I’m even with you right now. This whole thing is so fucked up.”
“And you think I’m not trying to help?” He lets me go and turns around, running his hands through his hair.
He’s fuming. I’ve never seen him this angry before, and instead of being scared of whatever is boiling up inside of him…I’m fucking turned on. He looks so hot when he’s angry.
His hands run over his face, and he shoots me a look that has my pussy quivering.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask, hoping to distract myself from my bodily reaction to him.
“All I’ve tried to do is help you. And now you’re accusing me of wasting your time? You’re so goddamn frustrating, you know that?” He closes the distance between us, his face mere inches from mine and his hot breath moistening my lips.
“How are you trying to help? Taking me to a fucking casino? How smart! We’re in fucking Vegas, Brendon.”
Grabbing onto my shoulders, he pushes me up against the wall, ignoring everyone around us. I try to fight him off, not wanting to make a bigger scene than we already are, but he’s too pissed off. It’s like he’s the damn Hulk; his fury makes him bigger and bulkier than usual.
“Take my fucking help, Mysti,” he seethes. “You need me. Whether you like to admit it or not.”
I need him?! He can’t be serious.
“Bullshit. I don’t need you. I’m fine.”