Page 80 of The Better Bride
“So, the dentures are solved. What about the purse, the cocaine, the flaming rental car, and the hitman?”
Sammi and Becky turn away from giving me disapproving looks and immediately return back to the matter at hand.
“Maybe we could call our service providers, and see if they have any data about where we were when our phones went swimming?”
“That would take too long…I don’t wanna spend the next three hours listening to ‘thank you, please hold’.”
“We could ask the hotel if they could show us the security camera footage from last night, to see if they caught whoever crashed the rental car on tape?”
“They’d never let us see it—especially if room service has called in about how trashed our room was this morning.”
“Shit, yeah… that’s gonna be a big bill…”
“It’s fine.” Percy winks at me and nudges my ribs. “After last night, it sounds like Mysti is rolling in dough.”
“I don’t even know what happened to those chips,” I sigh. “You’d probably have to ask Brendon.”
“That would be good…if he didn’t just storm off. Did you guys have a lover’s tiff?” Becky jokes.
“Let’s get back to the mysteries,” I say. “I think a shitload of cocaine is more important than wondering about Brendon.”
I know how much Becky wants me to be with Brendon, and Percy and Sammi aren’t huge Norbert fans, either. I do wish, though, that they at leasttryto be okay with my decisions, even if they think it’s a bad one.
“Yeah.” Sammi nods. “At least we know where Brendon came from.”
“I have an idea,” Becky says, and we all turn to look at her. “The cocaine came with a dozen red roses, right?”
“Yeah, right.”
“Which will have come from a florist…the florist will have a card attached to the bouquet, ’cause otherwise, how else will they get their business out there?”
“We can call the florist or visit them, then see if they can tell us who bought the flowers.”
I tilt my head to the side. That’s actually a pretty good idea, I’m almost surprised that none of us had thought of it before. But then again, I guess the hangover is only just really wearing off.
Nothing like a life-or-death mystery to sober you up, am I right?
“I wonder if they were delivered to the hotel,” Sammi muses, “or whether whoever bought them gave them to you in person.”
“With that much cocaine?” I keep my voice low. “No, it had to be delivered.”
“But how would they get it through the hotel security?”
I shrug one shoulder. “They probably smuggled it in through a suitcase, pretending to be a guest here.”
I’m trying not to think back about the last time I was surrounded by this much cocaine on a regular basis, but it’s getting hard to avoid the subject.
I don’t need to prove to anyone that marrying a steady guy is what I need in my life. But already having a failed marriage to a drug lord should have been enough to shut everyone up.
At least Brendon is nothing like Alphonso…
In terms of ex-spouses, I’m definitely going to like Brendon the best—no contest.
“Let’s go back to the room and look for that business card, then,” Percy says as she takes a step forward toward the elevator.
We fall in line behind her.