Page 85 of The Better Bride
Chapter 31
“Finally,” Liam says, “you made it!”
I look at Liam questioningly, then turn to see who he’s talking to.
“What? You’re in a jam,” Liam says as he greets Percy and Sammi’s husbands. “So I called in the reinforcements.”
So, here we are: The husbands of Mysti, Becky, Percy, and Sammi. None of us have had what you could call a conventional route to matrimony. But they all managed to come out of it in the end with a wife they adore, who loves them just as much in return.
If anyone is equipped to guide me through my own journey with Mysti, it’s the three guys sharing a beer with me at the bar in this fucking run-down casino, the Royale.
After we’ve gotten our drinks—Carlsberg for Liam, Stella for Lock and Anton, and good-ole American Miller Lite for me—the guys start handing out advice.
“You need to shower her with gifts,” Anton says. “Flowers, jewelry, the whole works.”
Sure, the European royal would suggest that.
“No, no, no,” Lock says. “This is how you win her over: find something in common with her. Sammi and I, we both work with ocean life. That keeps us bonded, even through the rough spots.”
“You have rough spots?” Liam asks.
“We like to rock the boat a little sometimes,” Lock says. “But I’m trying to help the boy out.”
“That’s stellar info, Lock, but as far as I know, Mysti isn’t a professional baseball player. So, I’m batting zero on that front.”
“That’s because you’re overlooking the absolute easiest way to get your wife to come to you,” Liam says, with a look of absolute certainty. “Sex. That’s what did it for me.”
“Sex. That’s your big advice? That’s how you won over my sister?”
“Oh, yeah,” Liam said sheepishly. “Probably not the image you want stuck in your mind.”
“Probably not,” I say, “Besides, it’s not like Mysti and I didn’t fuck constantly last night. I mean, I’m always up for having sex with my wife, but is that the best advice you have?”
“I’ve got it!” Anton says. “She’s Texan. What do Texan women like? Barbecue and two-stepping?”
“That’s a little stereotypical,” I say, taking another swig of beer.
“I don’t know all the little intricacies of American regions,” Anton says. “Tell me, oh enlightened one, what do Texan women like?”
“I have no clue whatallTexan women like,” I say. “I’m only concerned withmyTexan woman. And I have no clue there, either, obviously.”
“Judging by the show you two put on at the wedding chapel last night,” Liam says, “Mysti likes your dick. You should give the ‘sex’ idea another shot. That might be the key to winning her over.”
“That’s the thing,” I say, grabbing a handful of peanuts. “I don’t want to ‘win her over.’ I want her to remember why she fell in love with me last night. Is that asking too much?”
I look at the three guys. They don’t even have to say anything—I can tell by their expressions that they think that yes, that is, in fact, asking too much.
“Why is that so important?” Lock asks. “As long as she’s with you in the end, isn’t that the important part?”
I take a deep sigh and say, “She’s still planning on marrying that fucking Norbert.”
“Planning or not, it doesn’t matter,” Lock says. “She’s already married to you.”
“I’m not talking about whose names are on the marriage certificate,” I tried to explain, “but who shewantsto be married to. And it’s me. I know it is. After last night, there isn’t a doubt in my mind.”