Page 87 of The Better Bride
Chapter 32
Mysti May
“I’m so glad you understand, Mysti May. You’re such a smart girl, I knew you’d come around.”
Alphonso smiles widely at me, flashing his brilliant white teeth.
It’s not a smile that sets me at ease. If anything, my fight or flight instinct begins to kick in just from seeing the sunlight flash off of those pearly whites. If I wasn’t certain that I’d be shot the moment I moved, I’m really tempted to knock that stupid grin right off his face.
This is so not what I needed right now.
“How could anyone say no to you, Alphie?” I ask sweetly, forcing my smile and gritting my teeth together.
“That’s what I thought, baby, and yet… A part of me just wasn’t sure,” Alphonso raises his voice again so that the whole hotel suite—including the two men and the girls in the bathroom—can hear him. He’s got something else up his sleeve, and I don’t really want to find out what.
But I doubt I have much of a choice.
“A part of me really thought that you’d tell me to rot in hell—and I’ve always liked that about you, Mysti, cause you’re a fighter… but if you had…”
He turns to me and looks upon my face sadly.
“I would’ve had to shoot you right where you stand,” he says so calmly, as if he actually cares about me, and it makes my skin crawl. “Cause if I can’t have you, baby, no one else can.”
Where the fuck is Brendon? I still don’t dare to check my phone in my back pocket, so I really hope that he didn’t ignore my call.
I try not to need a hero very often, because my momma raised a strong independent woman who ultimately doesn’t need a man.
But since all my BFFs are currently locked in a bathroom and my ex-husband is currently on the verge of fucking me or killing me, I’m all out of options.
“And you know what makes my skin crawl?”
Oh, fucking hell, what’s he doing now?
“I bet you’ve been in here with someone else…I bet this bed…” He looks at me, almost disgusted for a second, but then his face softens, and he smiles at me again. “But it’s okay. I’ve got a solution for all of that.”
Alphonso knocks on the bathroom door, and leans his head toward the wood, saying, “Gentlemen, it’s time to bring the ladies back out now.”
Then he wanders over to the door of the suite, and opens it up, where a fuck-ton of muscled and heavily armed dudes with varying levels of baldness are standing at the ready. To top it off, each of them is holding a nice, shiny can of what looks like gasoline.
I take a deep breath, and the acrid smell fills my nostrils.
Yeah, that’s gasoline.
Alphonso, you motherfucker.
“Hey! Hands off the merchandise!” Percy yanks her hands away from one of the muscled dudes from earlier as he drags her, Sammi and Becky out of the bathroom.
“Now, now, ladies, there’s no use trying to fight it.”
“Alphonso, what’re you doing?”
He turns to me and smiles again, still somewhat wickedly, and there’s that sinister look in his eyes that tells me he’s enjoying this. He’s enjoying watching us struggle.
“Well baby, if you’re to be mine and mine alone, then I can’t have anyone,” he eyes the girls, “trying to take you away from me. I know you, ladies… you’d do anything for each other.”
With a flick of his wrist, he ushers the balding men into the room. They file in—barely squeezing their bulk through the doorframe—and begin to splash gasoline all over the room.