Page 97 of The Better Bride
“What the fuck?!” Sammi shouts as we all turn to the black chopper approaching us.
“That’s coming towards us, right?” Percy asks frantically.
“Fuck. Get down! Get down!”
The rest of them hustle down the sheet, and we all scout out a place to run to if our suspicions are correct and this helicopter makes a landing here.
We see a door, which we assume opens to a staircase, and start to make our way towards it.
But the helicopter stops us, landing directly in our path.
And the second it lands, Alphonso jumps out and runs towards me.
I barely have time to react, but I do my best to get away from him as fast as I can.
“Shit! No!” I run, and the girls run towards him, trying to delay him from reaching me.
But he pushes them away, throwing them on the ground.
“Sammi!” I scream as she hits the roof, landing on her side.
I turn back to help her, zig-zagging a pattern, hoping to stay out of reach of Alphonso. But he proves himself to be faster than I am and scoops me up, throwing me over his shoulder.
“No!” I kick my legs and pound onto his back. “Let me go, Alphonso!”
“It’s like you forgot everything about me. I love it when you make it rough, Mysti baby.” He slaps my ass and holds down my legs, keeping them still.
I continue to punch his back, and I bite his shoulder.
“Ah…Mysti…yes, baby. Keep going,” he growls.
The wind from the propellers thrashes against me, whipping my hair aggressively around. It hits him in the face, and he yells out in pain.
Apparently, he likes biting but not being whiplashed.
He throws me onto the leather seats roughly, and I crash against the window, hitting my head on the glass. I close my eyes as the pain pierces through me, but I buck up and start to crawl forward.
He halts my movement, sliding in next to me, but I fall back on my ass and start to kick him, using all my strength to push him out.
“I would hate to break these beautiful legs of yours.” He grabs my legs and squeezes them so hard to the point that I think he’ll actually break them. Then, he rubs his hands up and down my thighs, grazing over my groin.
I squirm, his touch feeling like a jagged blade cutting into me.
“Fuck you, Alphonso! Let me go!” I jerk my body around, hoping he’d have no way of grabbing onto me.
“Why would I want to do that when all I’ve ever wanted is you?” A slow, evil grin spreads across his face, and my stomach sinks.
He elbows me in the chest, causing all the air in me to suddenly disappear.
I gasp for breath while he reaches into his pants pocket and slides out his phone.
Maybe it’s because I’m getting lightheaded, but I don’t think—I only react.
I bend my body forward and punch him right across the face. The force tilts his body to the side, and his phone falls out onto the roof.
“You fucking bitch!” He seethes and pushes me back down onto the seat.
“Ugh!” I grunt.