Page 8 of The Proposal Problem
Saturday 10:05 Am
Ihear the window rasp open, wood grating on wood somewhere off to my side.
“What are you doing?” I ask, pointlessly directing my blindfold towards the noise.
Cold air rushes in, washing over my totally exposed skin.
I inhale quickly at the new sensation.
“Hey, what the hell?”
His only response is a chuckle, raspy and strong.
Even more goose bumps break out across the length of me, these ones having nothing to do with the cold.
“I’ll see ya,” he says, already sounding further away.
So, he’s gone out the window. Great.
I pull at my restraints, once again accomplishing nothing. Chilly air continues to pour into the room at my side.
Why the fuck am I always the one waking up in handcuffs? How the fuck has this happenedagain?
I wriggle on the bed, thrashing around in frustration.
Just like every other time this has happened to me, it doesn’t take long to figure out that it’s pointless. Falling limp in frustration, I let out a growl.
Only one thing to do now.
I turn my head towards the direction I think the door is at, lifting my head like it will help me project.
“Sammi! Becky! Mysti!”
I hear stirring from the other side of the door, then a thump followed my muffled cursing.
“You guys, in here!”
“Percy?” Sammi finally calls back.
About fucking time.
“Yes! You guys, I’m in here!”
I hear more scuttling sounds, other voices rising to join Sammi’s.
“I don’t know, over here!” Sammi shouts.
“Coming!” I hear Mysti May chime in.
They sound even more frantic than normal.
The sound of rushing feet meets me, and I lay my head back with a sigh. The girls are here, they’re coming. Everything’s cool.