Page 11 of 4 Men of the House
I know he feels it too because there’s a certain amount of fire in his eyes. He’s looking at me like he’s hungry...and I’m the treat. I feel uncomfortable under his gaze, but I’m also turned on by it.
He holds my hand for a second too long and then says, “What brings you here, Meg? I’ve never seen you in this crowd of people before. Did you come with someone?”
I blush what I’m sure is a shade of crimson. I don’t want to tell him the truth. But if I don’t tell him now, the moment will have to come about later, and then I might look dishonest.
“I...I actually work for you. I’m a maid. Today is my first day. I thought maybe somebody would’ve told you.”
He looks at me with unbelieving eyes and says, “But you’re too beautiful to be a maid.”
His comment makes me smile, and I feel as though I’ve actually somehow earned his respect.
He doesn’t know that I went to Dartmouth College and that I have a good education under my belt. He can’t ever know these things about me because I’m here posing as someone I’m not.
The familiar sickening feel of nausea overwhelms me as I try to stomach the fact that I’m here to betray this beautiful man.
I’m cursing Simon silently in my brain. He failed to mention that the Belcourt brothers were so freaking hot. I guess he conveniently left that part out.
My ache, my need is spreading between my legs as just being near Evan is enough to make me want to explode.
I forget Simon and my sinister mission and just focus onhim.
And before I think it can’t get any better, the other man who was staring at me approaches us.
“Hey, brother, I see you’ve made the acquaintance of our mystery guest.”
Evan turns toward him, and they both exchange a look. It’s a look, an unspoken language that I can’t begin to analyze.
“Ian, this is Meg. Somehow, fate has brought her here, and she works for us. She’s Mrs. Simmon’s new hire.”
Ian looks at me in astonishment. “You work here? As in, we get to see you every single day?”
He kisses my proffered hand with a darkened gaze.
“I do. I work here,” I say awkwardly.
“That’s wonderful. Just wonderful. Now we can all get to know each other a bit better.”
He looks around for a waiter and steals a bottle of champagne off the tray.
“I had some scotch, but it disappeared,” Ian says. “I’m glad you’re here, Meg, because I wanted to make a toast to my father, and I think now’s the perfect time.”
He says the words, and as if by magic, fireworks begin going off behind us. They sparkle over the lake, and for a moment I’m mesmerized by the fact that I’m surrounded by such glorious gods of men.
We’re all just quiet, taking in the fireworks and sipping the bottle of champagne. The whole party is at a standstill, watching. And it’s all in ode to one man, one Mr. Belcourt, who I’ve never known but whose reputation lives on.
I sit between his two sons, his legacy, and that nagging guilt of having to betray them ruins the moment...just a little.
We watch the display in silence, but something palpable is happening between us. I feel an intense connection growing between not only Evan but Ian as well.
They’re equally hot, but in different ways. Evan is tall, built, and has seductive gray eyes.
Ian is quite the opposite. He’s equally built but has blonde hair that’s slicked back but cuts across his blue eyes when he’s being casual.
They’re both a sight for sore eyes, and I find myself fantasizing about what it might be like to have both of once.
My sex life with Simon has left me high and dry for some time. He’s not exactly good in bed, and I find myself wondering whatever made me stay.
If only I had gotten out some time ago, I’d be free to date these guys. But then again, if Simon never sent me here, this moment never would’ve happened.