Page 35 of 4 Men of the House
So as I pass her I say, “Mrs. Simmons, I need to have Meg for the remainder of the day. Please relieve her of any duties you might have had planned. Thank you.”
She knows better than to argue with me. Mrs. Simmons is a kind woman, but she’s a tough boss, and I can’t imagine Megan having to work underneath her.
For some reason, I want Meg to have only the best. I want her to never lift a finger for the rest of her life. I want to spoil her and for her to be all mine. If she were mine, she’d never work a day in her life that she didn’t want to.
I walk through the gardens. If I hadn’t seen them from the window, it wouldn’t be an easy task to find Evan and Meg. There’s virtually a maze of greenery out here, common to the English style. I know Evan is trying to keep their little rendezvous a secret, but luckily, nothing much gets past me.
As I go, I swipe a rose from one of the bushes, minding the thorns. I hide it behind my back. And then I see them.
I approach quietly to surprise Meg and say, “Hi guys, fancy seeing you here.”
She swings around to see me, and Evan casts me the evil eye. I catch them in the act of something. He’s got her hand under the table, and I can only imagine what’s going on down there.
Looks like my timing is perfect.
“Ian!” Meg pulls her hand away and jumps up to greet me.
I pull her in for a hug and feel like I’ve already won. I press her closely against my body so she can feel the outline of my muscles.
“Meg, it’s so good to see you. I’ve been missing you already since last night.”
Evan is glaring at me the entire time. I pay him no mind.
I’ve obviously won this round.
“Why Ian, what are you doing here? We’re obviously having a private brunch. I hope that you have a good reason for interrupting us,” Evan says, the constant alpha male thinking he can dictate to me.
“Actually,” I say, releasing Meg and admiring her little nightgown up close. “I’m here for a reason. Meg, I need you to get dressed as quickly as possible—I have quite the afternoon planned for us.”
“You do?” she asks me with hopeful eyes.
“Trust me,” I say to her. “You’re gonna love it.”
She looks at me and says, “But Ian, I think I have to work. Mrs. Simmons has a whole outline of things that need to be done around the house. I’m afraid I can’t go with you.”
I look at her and think it’s almost humorous how she thinks that she has to work today. If it were up to me, she’d never lift a beautiful finger again. If it were up to me, I’d spoil her instead of making her work. And that’s exactly what I plan on doing this afternoon.
“Meg, don’t worry about that. I’ve had a talk with Mrs. Simmons, and everything was arranged. Work should really be your last priority.”
I look over her shoulder, and Evan is enraged. I enjoy seeing his angry expression. It means I’ve gotten under his skin, and most of all, that I still have a chance of taking Meg away from him. He mustn’t be very secure in their connection if he’s getting this mad at me for taking her away.
Although, if I were in the same position, I’d be pissed too. Every second spent with Meg is valuable.
“So go get dressed honey, and meet me out front. The limo will be waiting,” I say.
She reluctantly walks over to Evan and gives him a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you, Evan, for a wonderful morning. I’ll see you later, okay?”
He smiles and nods at her.
“Go, have a good time. I’ll see you later, Meg,” he says.
He’s trying to be the bigger man, but I can see under his façade that he’s incredibly annoyed with me and likely exasperated.
Well, Evan thought he was going to arrange for the perfect rendezvous in the garden and that nobody would see them. He was mistaken. He should’ve chosen a better spot if he wanted to fuck this beauty today.
Meg runs towards the house eagerly, anxious for an afternoon of luxury.
“That was mighty slick of you,” Evan says.
“What is it?”
I feign not knowing what he’s talking about.
“You played this one well, Ian. But it won’t last forever. At some point, I’ll swoop in and take her from you,” he says.
“Whatever you say, man,” I say over my shoulder as I walk towards the house.
I’m unaffected by Evan because I’m sure of myself and of my way with women. After today, Meg will be thinking of nobody else but me.
I go inside and prepare to meet the limo out front. I also go and make sure it’s stocked with champagne and anything else that Meg might desire.