Page 49 of 4 Men of the House
I go to the library so I can make a few calls uninterrupted. On my way there, I run into my brother Ian.
“Hey man, what are you doing in town? I thought you’d be in the city,” I say.
He casts me a deviant smile and says, “No, I’ve decided to stay around the mansion for a while. I have other interests that lie here, more important than work.”
“Let me guess, your other interest involves one beautiful brown-haired girl that’s staying with us? Am I right?”
He chuckles and says, “You’re exactly right. Have you seen her?”
Now it’s my turn to be smug. “Actually, yes. I just came from seeing Meg. I told her that she’s officially relieved of her duties as being our maid. I didn’t think it’s appropriate anymore that she works for us in any capacity. She’ll be staying on as a houseguest.”
He’s shocked. Without a doubt, he’s wishing he thought of this. Everybody knows that Meg is too brilliant and beautiful to be working for us in the house. Besides, I want her to have ample time to think
“Nice move, brother. I have to give it to you. That was a good one.”
At least he’s admitting defeat in this round.
“And, I have a wonderful evening planned for her,” I continue. “It’s all scheduled so don’t get any ideas about interrupting us like you did with Evan’s breakfast.”
“Word travels fast around here,” he says matter-of-factly.
“Indeed it does. I’ll see you around.”
I walk past him and make my way to the library. In the solace of the beautifully carved wood and book-lined walls, I can make my calls in peace.
I sit at father’s desk which is organized by now, thanks to Meg. I make some calls, namely to the Ritz Carlton.
“Hi, I’d like to make reservations for two. If we could be in your VIP area that would be great. And would you also book us a suite?”
“No problem, sir. We’ll just need a credit card to hold that room,” the receptionist says.
“My name is Matt Knight.”
That’s all I have to say. We’re so well-known around this part of the town and even within the broader city that it only requires my name to hold the space. Fuck having a credit card. She knows exactly who I am. It comes with exclusivity.
Once she knows who I am, her tone turns from friendly to interested.
“Sure, Mr. Knight. We have you all booked. Have a nice evening.”
I sit back in my father’s cushioned and worn leather chair. He completed so much business here, right in this spot. I look around at the pictures of us boys and I’m reminded of how proud he was of us. It makes me want to do right by him in the future and to continue to succeed.
As I’m sitting at the desk, I’m reminded that I need to get his will out so the lawyers can access it.
I go to the ottoman with the secret drawer and unlock it. There’s his will where he so generously bestowed his fortune on my brothers and me.
I take another key from underneath the lip of his desk and open the bottom drawer. I lock it and leave the will there, ready for business.
There’s no need for the whole world to know our secret hiding place when time comes to meet in here. Though the document has been signed and looked over, it’s still important to have it.
I stand up and look out the historical arched, iron-framed window and look outside at the beautiful country grounds. It really is spectacular here, and I understand why my father spent so much time away from the city. He loved it out here, and I’m beginning to love it as well. But what makes it worth it is Meg. And I’ve officially unbound her from her duties.
To my extreme happiness, I see her walking out to the side of the pool in her little turquoise bikini. I knew her body was exceptional, but I had no idea it was perfect.
Her body is defined and lean, not too muscular. I think she looks like a goddamn dancer or model or something of which I can’t compare. Her beauty is just radiant.
I watch her brown hair flow lightly in the slight wind and her heart-shaped ass as she arranges herself by the pool.
There’s something voyeuristic and thrilling about watching her from a distance.
I could get used to this view, and then I remind myself that monogamy is a dangerous game, one of which I don’t partake.
Meg is a fling. Meg is not permanent. And yet I feel possessive of her already.