Page 10 of Painting Her
"Fun fact – chilis are an aphrodisiac."
She seems interested in that, but also hesitant to believe anything I say. I don't know if it's from the heat of the peppers, or talking about aphrodisiacs, but I notice that her face suddenly looks flush.
"How do you know so much about food?" she asks. "I had no idea you have culinary skills."
"I know my way around the kitchen," I smile.
I watch as she steps away from the kitchen and looks around the apartment.
"Nice place you've got here," she says.
"It's my own private oasis in the middle of the city."
"You do have a lot of privacy here."
"So," I say with a grin, "what do you do for a living besides making men excited?"
That catches her attention.
"You can try to butter me up all you want, but that's not why I'm here," she says.
I can tell this isn't going to be easy. She has her guard up higher than the Empire State building.
"What? I can't give you a compliment?"
She considers this for a moment.
"I came here to have dinner, not to be pet like some lost pussy cat."
"A lost pussy," I say, smiling at the pun. "Now that's an interesting thing to think about."
"Can you get your head out of the gutter for even five minutes?" she says. But as she turns her head away, I detect the hint of a smile forming on her lips.
It's working. She's slowly letting her guard down.
"I can't help it," I say. "You're so hot, even my zipper is falling for you."
I reach down and pretend to pull my zipper up.
This causes her to laugh. "So, you're an artist, chef, and comedian."
"Sometimes," I say with a smile.
"I'll give that one to you," she says. "That was pretty funny."
I finish cooking dinner, and carry it to the dining table. The entire table is set atop a checkered tablecloth and I made sure to add a bouquet of flowers from the farmer's market.
Because who doesn't love flowers?
"You outdid yourself," she smiles. "This looks incredible."
"Never miss an opportunity to see something beautiful," I say.
She considers this and nods. "Beauty is such a strange combination of things."
"It's so hard to qualify, isn't it?" I ask. "I mean, what pleases one person may not please the next. It's sort of like this giant, fascinating puzzle that we're all trying to figure out. But do you know what I think the best part about beauty is?"
Katherine shakes her head. "No, what's that?"