Page 52 of Painting Her
I need to make sure Katherine does not see these next time she comes over.
It’s a great feeling knowing Katherine can just come and go as she pleases since I gave her a key to my place the other day.
Her face was priceless, a mixture between overwrought, disbelief and pride.
It is a big thing for me too. I’ve never given anyone else a key to my apartment.
And not just the key, I made sure to select a special key ring to go with it. I wanted her to think of me each and every time the key was within her sight.
It took an enormous amount of time. Silly really, but when I get an idea into my head I need to see it through.
When I didn’t find anything close enough to what I had in mind at the local shops, I consulted the mighty World Wide Web. I wanted a painter palette and canvass. Eventually, several hours later, I found one in sterling silver.
I ordered it instantly. I didn’t even flinch when the order form confirmed I had just paid two hundred and eighty five dollars for a key ring.
And of course I had been rewarded several times over when i gave it to her.
Not only was she totally touched by the gesture of the key, when she spotted the key ring, I swear a little tear formed in the corner of her eye.
The kiss I got, and the sex, more than made up for the money spent on it.
It takes me a few minutes to drape the stained cotton throw over the paintings. Maybe I better make it a little more difficult to get here by placing an easel in front of it.
When I’m done I pick up the phone. Time to call my agent.
“Hey Mateo, how are things?”
I can’t hear a response. I stare at the screen. The clock is ticking so I know I’m connected.
“Mateo, you there?”
“Blake. Blake. My man, what’s happenin?” Mateo’s voice booms through the phone and I move the mobile a little further off my ear.
“Mateo, I’ve been painting.”’ Maybe I should have invited him to come over instead of a phone call?
There’s loud laughter. “You’re a painter Blake. What else would you have been doing?”
Good old Mateo, always straight to the point.
“No Mateo, this time it’s different. I’ve really been painting. I’ve been creating and…well, the paintings are good. Really fucking good.”
“You never were modest, my friend.” Mateo replies dryly.
I chuckle.
“True. But wait till you see what I’ve been creating.”
“Let me guess, nudes. How many of them have you been fucking this time? I hate to think of all the broken hearts.”
“Mateo, they’re not nudes and I haven’t been fucking them as you say. I’ve met this woman. Katherine. She’s amazing. She’s gorgeous. She’s sexy.”
“And she’s a good root,” completes Mateo.
“It’s different with her. I haven’t had another woman since I’ve met her. I can only think of her. I even dream of her. I want her all the time. She’s doing things with me no other woman has ever done before.”
“She a witch?”
Another chuckle from me.