Page 9 of Bought by her Boss
I rubbed at my forehead in confusion. “I’m lost.”
“I just tell people I’m an accountant to hide what I really do.”
“And what do you really do?”
“Are you sure you want to know?”
I wasn’t sure about anything right now, but I nodded. “Yes, tell me.”
“I work in a sex club. I’m a sex worker.”
She couldn’t have shocked me more if she’d tried. I didn’t speak. I wasn’t sure I trusted myself to respond. She was a sex worker? What did that mean? What did she do?
My thoughts collided in a messy jumble that I couldn’t sort through. How did I never know this about Kyra? She was my best friend. How did she even get into this?
“You’re a what?” I practically squealed.
“A sex worker.” Before I could even contemplate what that meant, she continued to speak. “It’s really a good job. The pay is amazing and it’s exciting. Plus who doesn’t enjoy sex?”
Considering I’d never tried it I wasn’t sure what the fuss was about. I blinked frantically as I tried to compute the fact that my best friend sold her body for money.
“You’re serious?”
“As a heart attack.”
“Why do you tell people you’re an accountant?”
“I thought everyone knew claiming to be an accountant was a cover for sex work.” She laughed.
I felt so naive right now, so dumb. “It is?”
“I probably should have realized you wouldn’t know that, considering your virgin status. How did that even happen? You’re gorgeous. I’d have thought you’d have a line of men waiting to have you.”
Heat rose in my cheeks. I wasn’t embarrassed about the fact I’d never had a man touch me like that. Considering how I grew up and the bubble my parents put me in, it was astounding I’d even managed to move out on my own. They brought a whole new meaning to the word ‘strict’. I was barely allowed to breathe without them on me. I felt so suffocated growing up and when I finally moved away I didn’t know how to react to men.
Even my boss.
Mr. Black was a good man, but his hotness overwhelmed me. When I first started working for him twelve months ago, I found it hard to even talk to him. I’d gotten over that, especially as trust started to build between us, but it wasn’t easy.
“I had ultra-religious parents,” I said. “Remember? I didn’t have any freedom growing up. I wasn’t allowed to talk to boys and be around them alone.”
Neither was Krissy, but she broke those rules all the time. I knew for a fact my twin sister was not a virgin. I also knew she lost her virginity at seventeen to Matthew Pinner, a jock asshole on the football team.
“Well, you’re in luck,” Kyra said, “because we definitely have openings for ‘accountants’.” There was a hint of amusement in her voice before she turned serious again. “You need money?”
“How much?”
I winced. “The kind that comes with lots of zeroes.” I peered down at the invoice. “Lots and lots of zeroes. I’m in the hole,” I admitted. “I’m behind on everything and I’m getting desperate.”
“You should have come to me.” Krissy voice was soft and caring.
“I wanted to, but I was embarrassed.”
“Honey, we’re friends. You never have to be embarrassed.”
I exhaled a deep breath. “I’m coming to you now.”