Page 10 of Mail Order Man
“Around a hundred head. It was pretty hard to tell with all of them running around bleating like maniacs.”
She chuckled. “Dairy farmers don’t do all this?”
“Not the same way.” He sighed, pushing his bowl away. “Today is what? Saturday?”
She nodded. “Tomorrow morning is church.”
“I can’t believe you go to the church the pastor who married us runs. He’s not a nice man.”
“He is. He just believes the rumors about me. Everyone does.”
“So, you have no friends at all?”
“Actually, I have two friends, but they’re both quite busy having babies.” Earl noticed a longing look on her face as she said it.
“You never got pregnant again after Walt?”
Charlotte shook her head. “Never. I wanted a daughter so badly, but it just never happened.”
“I come from a family of fourteen or fifteen. I don’t know. I quit counting a while back. Thankfully my parents seem to have stopped having new kids. I’m sure we’ll have some if that’s what you want.”
“Well, not yet, but I do want more children.”
Earl smiled. “I’m not ready yet either. I know you’re dealing with grief, but I am too. I really loved Patsy. She was everything to me, and when she died, I wanted to die with her.”
“I understand,” she said, her hand reaching out to cover his. “Is shared grief a good foundation for a marriage?”
“I have no idea. But I’m willing to make the most of it if you are.”
“Absolutely. I appreciate you defending me today. Howard tried, but he just wasn’t big enough to knock men down. I thank you for caring enough to do so.”
Earl nodded. “Hopefully it won’t be necessary again, but I’ll do it as many times as it is necessary. That’s one of the good things about being a bad kid. You learn how to fight early. I mostly just fought with my brothers, but it’s the same thing. You fight and fight, and just deal with it.”
Walt interrupted by pushing his empty bowl toward Charlotte. “Are you finished?” she asked.
Walt shook his head so hard his hair flew up on the sides. “I need to give you a haircut!” she said, as she got up to refill his bowl. “Eat slower this time.”
The boy nodded, but he went after the food like he was starving. Again.
“I want to plow a space for our kitchen garden tomorrow. You let me know what you want me to plant, and I’ll do it.”
“I really don’t want you to have to do all that work…”
“Oh, I won’t do it all. Walt will help me with the planting, won’t you, Walt?”
Walt nodded, looking as if he was thrilled to be asked.
“I can help too if you need me to.” Charlotte detested gardening, and she really hoped he’d tell her not to worry about it.
“You can be in charge of bringing your menfolk cold drinks when we need them. If we work hard, then we’ll need refreshments, isn’t that right, Walt?”
Walt nodded, giggling a little. Sounds did come out of his mouth, which made Earl wonder why he didn’t talk. He wouldn’t speak about it in front of Walt, though. Perhaps Charlotte knew why he wasn’t speaking at all.
After supper, Earl and Walt went outside to milk the cow, and Walt seemed very excited to be with his new papa. Every step he seemed to want to help more and more.
When it came time to milk, Earl showed Walt how to pull down on the teats and get milk from the cow. As soon as he’d gotten a little milk, Walt looked at Earl with wide eyes as if he’d never done anything so exciting in all his life.
When the pail was full, Walt tried to lift it, but couldn’t. He kept trying until a large hand came down and held the handle with him, and they carried it into the house together. When they had set it on the table, Charlotte turned around and praised them accordingly. “I’m sure glad I have such strong men who can milk the cow for me. It’s hard work!”