Page 28 of Mail Order Midnight
“That always helps.” He wrapped his arms around her and held her close for a moment. “You are the brightest spot in my day.”
She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling a little better with his words. “I’m glad.”
“How are your friend and the baby?” he asked.
“She’s exhausted. I’m a little worried about her. The baby seems to be doing fine. It’s a little girl they named Charlotte.”
“I like that name!”
“I do too.” She walked into the kitchen, well aware that Leonard was following her. “I did a quick clean, but there needs to be more. I don’t think she was able to do her spring cleaning this year. I’ll catch up her normal cleaning and laundry tomorrow, but I think I’m going to have to do her spring cleaning as well. I’ll be going out on Saturday and Sunday so I can make sure they eat. Abigail couldn’t remember for sure the last time she’d eaten.”
He frowned. “It sounds like they need a lot of help. Do you think Mark would like my company in the fields? The first few years out here are so hard, I’d like to be able to do what I can to help.”
“I think they would appreciate that a great deal. I know farming isn’t your favorite thing, but it’s worth it to help a neighbor.”
He nodded. “It is. I always feel so good after helping someone that way. I know I’ll be happy once I’ve done it.”
“Good. I’ll let them know you’re planning to help.”
He sat at the table and gratefully accepted the food she served. “Thank you. Maybe this will help my mood a little. It really was a hard day.”
“I hope it does. I mixed a little bit of honey into the butter today. It’ll help make the day-old bread taste perfect.”
“I appreciate how you always think about me and try to put me first. I know it’s not always easy with other people needing you as well.”
“You’re my husband,” she said simply, thinking that explained everything. A good wife always saw to her husband’s needs before doing anything else.
“I thank God for that fact every day.”
Constance smiled at that. “We’re going to be able to have a wonderful marriage if we work on it together.”
“Work? Our marriage is perfect just the way it is.”
Constance didn’t respond to that, because she didn’t know what to say. They did need to work on their marriage. Of course they did. She needed to know that he was thinking of her and her feelings. He needed to know she would never be able to accept another family to take the place of her own. But now wasn’t the time for that discussion. It would wait until tomorrow.
Chapter Ten
It was late morning on Saturday when Leonard and Constance drove out to Mark and Abigail’s farm. While they drove, they talked about ways they could help the other couple. “I’m going to make enough food for today and tomorrow, so we don’t have to come back until Monday.”
“That’s a good idea. I don’t know what kind of help Mark needs, but there are always several men needed on a homestead, and I know they have no hired hands. I’ll do whatever is necessary to help out.” He sighed. “I hate farming.”
“It’s a good thing you don’t do it then, isn’t it?”
When they got to the farm, she headed into the house, and Leonard went in search of Mark. She was surprised to see Abigail sitting at the table, looking a great deal better than she had. “You look good today!” Constance said.
“I must have looked awful before then.” Abigail shook her head.
“You looked tired. Now, tell me what I can fix for you and Mark to eat today and tomorrow.”
“I sent Mark into town to get a few things, so it’ll be much easier. We love what you’ve come up with, so just look through the food we have, and make a decision.” Abigail hid a yawn behind her hand.
“Do you need a nap?” Constance asked. “My ma always says to sleep when the baby is sleeping.”
“I feel like I’ve done nothing but sleep for days. I need to do something.”
“You can keep me company while I cook and clean. It’s the perfect answer. I want to do as much of your spring cleaning as I can today, so you won’t have to worry about that as you feel better.”
Abigail’s eyes widened. “I couldn’t ask you to do that!”