Page 12 of Witch Smitten
She let out a heavy sigh. “Right. But maybe I should give him some time to get over what happened today.”
“No.” Damon took her by the shoulders. “You need to go ask him out on a date now, before you lose your nerve.”
Kay bit her lower lip, making Damon notice how kissable her mouth was. One he wouldn’t be kissing any time soon if he didn’t get Tucker out of the way. As they stood there, Tucker came out of the building, and Damon nodded toward the officer. “Don’t you want to know where you stand with the guy?”
She blew out a breath of air. “You’re right. Wish me luck.” Kay began to walk back toward the officer. “Tucker! Can I talk to you for a minute?”
The metal of Damon’s SUV was warm on his back as he leaned against it with his arms crossed to watch the exchange. He grimaced when she managed to step in a small pothole and twist her ankle. But Kay skipped quickly to accommodate and kept walking as if it hadn’t happened. He heard her say, “So, ah, now that we’re going to be working together—kind of, anyway—I thought it might be nice to get to know each other better.”
Jeez, thought Damon. Until Tucker replied just as awkwardly.
“Uh, yeah. Good idea. I—” He motioned toward his car and smacked his hand into the side-view mirror with a loud thud before flinching a little. “I, uh—” He blinked like a deer in headlights before an idea must have come to him. “I’m going to the fair on my day off. If you—I mean—it’s next Monday and—”
“I’d love to go with you. Perfect.” Kay began to back away from him. Probably a good idea before either one of them injured themselves more seriously. “I’ll call you about the time.”
Tucker nodded as he rubbed his hand. “Sounds good.”
Kay turned to face Damon. She raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth in a silent scream of excitement. He couldn’t help but chuckle at her as he pulled the passenger door open, even though the awkward exchange made him think she might actually have a chance with Tucker. The guy had been just as flustered as she had, and Damon’s heart sank as he wished he hadn’t pushed her to ask Tucker out.
“I can’t believe he said yes,” Kay said as Damon pulled out onto the road.
“I’m sure you two will have a great time at the fair. You’ll have to come see my magic show.” He was looking for a silver lining, and he’d love a chance to show off for Kay. She’d appreciate his skill, and she might even get a little jealous of the attention women gave him.
“We’ll see about that. I’m not sure Tucker is a fan of my witch side.”
“You mean you have another side?”
“Cute. You know what I mean.”
“I think I do.” He hated that Kay wanted to squash the very core of the amazing woman she was, and he couldn’t resist the opportunity to point out what she was doing. “It sounds to me like you’re willing to ignore what you are for a guy. I wouldn’t have guessed you were so shallow.”
Kay let out a little gasp. “What a ridiculous accusation! I’ve known Tucker since kindergarten. He grew up on the island and has known I’m a witch all his life.”
And he clearly doesn’t like it, Damon thought. “My apologies. I’m glad to hear it, because he’s going to have to find a way to handle the notoriety you’re about to receive as a ghost hunter.”
“That will not be happening,” she retorted. “It should be years before we have to chase another spirit away.”
Not if he had anything to do with it. Damon grinned at her. “Then we’ll have to do something about that. The island could use something new to talk about. It’s kind of pathetic that the most action your town sees these days is whatever trouble the Butler twins decide to get into. Did they really hire a stripper for their seventy-fifth birthday party and invite all the women in the town to come?”
Kay laughed. “They invited the men too. Said they might be able to learn a few moves to keep their women happy.”
Damon chuckled. “Your island needs something else to focus on other than the antics of two old women.”
Kay studied him for a moment. “I don’t believe for one second you care about the entertainment level of the gossip on Night Meadow. What’s the real reason you want this ghost hunting scheme of yours to happen?”
“For the record, it started off as your scheme. Would you believe it’s because I want to spend time with you?”
“Not buying it.”
“Well, how about the fact it would be a good way for our families to repair the damage between us?”
“You don’t strike me as that altruistic,” Kay scoffed. “What are you really after?”
“Both of those are real reasons,” he said truthfully. “And I want to help you capitalize on your skills.”
“Oh my god!” Kay slapped her hand on the dash. “I just got it.” Damon glanced over at her as she said, “You want us to ghost hunt for the publicity.”
He shrugged, hoping she’d appreciate his honesty. “You have to admit, the two of us hunting the paranormal would make a great reality show.”