Page 16 of Witch Smitten
Damon couldn’t keep himself from encouraging Tucker. He grabbed a pretzel and dug in too. He swallowed his bite before saying, “That is really good.”
“This place is great.” Tucker moved to the next booth to stab an olive on a toothpick as Kay watched with an expression Damon interpreted as confusion mixed with a touch of horror. “Wait,” Tucker said as he rushed to the next booth. “Is that salsa?”
Damon chuckled and said to Kay, “Bet you didn’t know he was taking you to a buffet for lunch.”
“Shut up,” she said as she scowled at him.
“Hey.” Damon threw up his hands. “It’s not my fault your date hasn’t eaten out in a while. I bet a cop’s salary doesn’t allow for many extras.”
“Very funny.”
“I am.” He hung back with her as Tucker kept sampling. “So, how’s it going?”
Kay scowled in frustration. “I imagine this is what it must be like to hang out with a brother.”
“Not quite the romantic experience you had hoped for?”
“Not even close.” She looked up at him. “And to think I actually spent time wondering what I should wear.”
“John Deere green, I believe.”
Kay actually laughed at that one. “Do you know he’s more attracted to a backhoe than me?”
“You mean the one he caressed?”
“You saw that?” Kay rolled her eyes. “That was a log loader. Trust me on this. I heard all about its attributes.”
The two walked slowly as Tucker blew through the booths grabbing food and leaving a wake of annoyed vendors behind. Kay sighed. “I suppose it’s good I found out Tucker and I aren’t compatible before he tried to kiss me.”
“I’m not sure that would even cross his mind.” Damon thought about how Kay had asked Tucker out and realized the guy might not have understood what she was asking. He could have easily assumed she meant they should come to the fair as friends. “Are you sure he thought this was a date?”
“Not anymore. But you witnessed me asking him. What do you think?”
“I think you dodged a bullet here. Because if he did think this was a date, well…” Damon grinned at her. “A punch on the arm might be what you got instead of a kiss.”
Her shoulders fell a little. “Who says I still won’t?”
Damon felt a twinge of compassion for Kay. While he had wanted her date with Tucker to be a flop, he knew she had to be unhappy about it. He took her by the hand and led her to a chocolate vendor. “Come with me.”
“Damon—” she warned, but when she saw where he was taking her, she relaxed.
He asked the woman behind the counter of the chocolate booth, “What do you have for disappointment? My friend here is having a bad day in the relationship department.”
“Oh, dear.” The woman’s face clouded with sympathy. “I’m sorry to hear that. How about our chili dark chocolate? If you can’t spice your life up with a man, then I suggest spicy chocolate,” she offered with a smile.
Damon popped a small square of the sweet on Kay’s tongue when she opened her mouth.
She closed her eyes as she savored the chocolate. “Thatisdelicious.” She opened her eyes again and said to the vendor, “Are you Carol of Carol’s Chocolates?”
“I am.” The round-faced woman smiled with pride.
“That was truly wonderful. I feel better already. I’m going to need a few bars. Tell me how you got into making chocolate.”
He knew it was a simple thing, but the way Kay was interested in Carol’s story made his heart swell a little. Not only was she a beautiful and talented witch, she was also kind and interested in people the way he was. When they walked away, Kay carrying her bag of sweets and a card with the woman’s number, he spoke softly. “If you ask me, Tucker doesn’t deserve you anyway.”
“Hmpf. Or I don’t deserve him. Sometimes being a Knight witch has its drawbacks.”
“Don’t you dare,” Damon chided. “If a man can’t handle you being a powerful witch, he most definitely doesn’t deserve your time. A woman like you should be appreciated for her gifts.”