Page 34 of Witch Smitten
The leather of the boot was cool on Kay’s foot as she slipped it in. The wonderful thing about the Knight women was that they all had feet within a two-size range, making only a touch of magic necessary to make any pair of shoes they owned fit. The zipper hummed up easily, and when Kay had both boots on, she stood to show them off. The top of the boot that came above her knee was loose and the supple leather wrinkled a bit, while the lower part fit snuggly around her shapely legs.
“Wow,” Corinne said. “You look like a pirate.”
“A smoking hot one,” Bri added. “Wait until Damon sees you in those.”
“They do lookdangerous,” her mother teased. “Have you heard if the Brannigan’s will be joining us this year?” Eileen had spoken to Damon to extend the invitation after she hadn’t heard back from Paul Brannigan. Kay smiled as she turned her foot, admiring a boot before looking at her mother. “I believe he’s asking his family tonight, but he’s pretty confident his brothers will agree, and he’s sure Natalie will.”
Bri was wearing the ankle boots she’d chosen to go with her short tight dress that showed off her trim, youthful body. “She’s my age, right?” She reached into the trunk to scoop out an armful of hats and tossed each family member one.
“She is,” Eileen said. “At one point, Sally and I were sure the two of you would end up best friends.”
“Cool. Maybe we still will.” When they had all donned their hats, Bri let out a squeal. “We look so fabulous.” She clenched her fists and stomped her feet in excitement. “I can’t wait for Thursday!”
Kay had to agree. Not only did everyone look amazing, but she was excited for their plan to entertain the town on Halloween, too.
“Wait,” Corinne said. “Where are the brooms?”
“Ah,” Amelia’s face lit up. “The brooms,” she said in an ominous voice as she rubbed her hands together. “Mom?”
Kay frowned, trying to recall how she’d gotten her broom last time, and Eileen said, “Not yet. We’ll call them up on Thursday.”
“But I’ve never ridden one!” Bri’s face was clouded with concern. “Don’t I need to learn how before Halloween?”
“It’s like riding a bike,” their mother said. “You won’t have any trouble at all.”
“It’s easy,” Amelia agreed. “You’re going to love it, actually.” She took her hat off and smoothed down her hair. “As much as I’d like to keep playing dress up, I have work to do.”
Kay thought about her workload and began to undress as well. Not only did she and Corinne have their busier than usual bakery to run, they were also working on magical treats to hand out to children on Halloween. They’d decided to do lollipops and came up with a collection that contained three different suckers spelled to make kids giggle, burp or hiccup.
After the costumes were put away, Kay walked with Corinne and Amelia to their cottage. Corinne said, “The whole town seems excited for Halloween this year. I think enough time has passed that people have gotten over the cemetery incident.”
“Me, too,” Amelia said. “I haven’t heard a peep about it. Not even from Jeannie.”
Kay pulled the door to the cottage open. “That’s a very good sign.”
“Yes, but you know what isn’t, according to Jeannie?” Amelia asked.
Kay turned to her sister and shrugged.
“Jessie Green poking around town. I heard you even had a run in with her last week.”
Corinne gasped. “Jessie Green from camp? Why didn’t you tell us? What did that whiny little attempt at a witch do? Because I’ve got a spell—”
“Hold your hexes,” Kay said. “It wasn’t that bad.” At least she hoped it hadn’t appeared that way. She didn’t like the idea of being the topic of Jeannie’s gossip. “What did Jeannie say?”
“Well, first off you aren’t fooling anyone about your relationship with Damon. She said you two keep making googly eyes at each other and she’s sure something is going on. She tried hard to get me to admit it.”
“You didn’t, did you?” Kay grabbed the tray of lollipops spelled to make the consumer burp and it thudded on the end of the counter where she planned to wrap them in cellophane. She liked the idea that Damon was so transparent about his feelings for her. While she did believe him when he told her he loved her, a tiny flicker of doubt had remained in Kay’s mind.
“Please,” Amelia said. “Do you think I’d cave and tell Jeannie your secrets?”
Corrine impatiently asked, “What happened with Jessie?”
“She’s still just as horrible.” Kay handed the package of plastic wrap to Corrine for her tray of candy. “She insulted me every chance she got as she hung on Damon.”
“Jeannie said he came to your defense,” Amelia said as she opened up a folder. “She’s convinced that man is in love with you.”
Kay said, “He did defend me, but he was polite about it since he wants something from Jessie.”