Page 41 of Witch Smitten

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Page 41 of Witch Smitten

“Of course I do, but that woman doesn’t play fair. I wouldn’t put it past her to spell you into doing something you don’t want to do.”

Damon held on to his patience with both hands but his eyes had narrowed when he said, “I’m one of the most powerful witches you know.”

“Please,” Kay said in a patronizing voice that angered Damon more. “Even the most powerful witch can be tricked. All I’m saying is that I think this is a plan to get you alone.”

“Well it’s going to fail, because you’re coming with me. If Jessie’s right, think of how great this is going to be for our show.” Kay was overreacting and he’d had enough of it. There was a good chance whatever Jessie couldn’t handle was something dark and sinister enough to scare the wits out of their show’s viewers. His body nearly tingled with the excitement of the possible danger.

But it wasn’t a situation he wanted to deal with on his own, and he needed Kay. There was no sense in trying to make her see reason any longer. She’d figure out she was wrong once they got there. He took his foot off the brake and began to move again.

“No, Damon. I’m not going. Stop the car. It’s clear your stupid ghost busting show is the most important thing on your mind right now. I should have known.”

Damon stopped again and turned to her with anger burning in his veins. “Ourshow. Please be reasonable about this. The woman is in danger and needs our help. Aren’t you even a little bit excited about dealing with something real instead of the island ghosts playing games?”

“That’s not fair. Of course I want to do more, but Jessie doesn’t need our help. I’m sure she’s lying, and I’m not willing to waste three hours of my time on that woman’s scheme.” Kay scoffed. “Besides, she said I shouldn’t come. Can’t be that bad.”

Damon took a breath to calm himself. He didn’t have the first idea how to get Kay to let the grudge with Jessie go, and he decided to try a different approach. “Kay, please. I think she really needs our help, and you’ll feel awful if we don’t go and then find out you’re wrong.”

“I’m not wrong. You’re just too blind to see through Jessie.” She reached to pull the handle on her door, but because the car wasn’t in park, it wouldn’t open. “Let me out.”

Damon was trying hard to stay calm as anger boiled in his chest. He didn’t want to approach a dangerous haunting without Kay and was struggling to figure out how she could let a silly childhood grudge keep them from helping. He gave his plea a last-ditch effort. “This is ridiculous. What if something serious is really happening andIneed you and your power?”

Kay shook her head. “I swear on every spell book in our family library this is a Jessie Green scheme. It’s got her signature all over it.”

Damon couldn’t believe Kay was being so stubborn. She really was so jaded when it came to Jessie that she couldn’t see reality, but he was out of ideas to make understand. “Fine.” He put the car in park. “Don’t come.”

“You’re going?” She blinked in surprise as she opened the door.

He swallowed hard to keep from screaming at her, but it didn’t keep him from raising his voice. “Yes, Kay. Yes, I’m going.I’mnot the kind of witch to leave someone in distress.”

Kay’s jaw dropped in shock. “Jessie Green is not in— Fine!” Kay jumped out of the car and slammed the door before turning on her heel and stomping off.

Damon resisted being just as childish by peeling out, but just barely. His anger took him all the way off the island before he began to calm down, and during the trip he replayed their disagreement in his head. He wasn’t a fool. Jessie’s reason why Kay shouldn’t come did sound flimsy, but the woman’s message had sounded very real. So did her words when they spoke. Surely, she wasn’t the kind of person to go to such extremes just to be mean to Kay. But the closer he got to New Gardiner the more doubt crept further into his mind. Perhaps he had let the thrill of a real haunting cloud his judgment a bit. When he finally got to Jessie’s he was second guessing whether or not Kay had been right. He gazed out of his car at Jessie’s small Cape Cod home with weathered shingles, and he decided since he’d made the trip he might as well find out the truth.



A baking sheetclattered loudly against metal pans when Kay tossed it into the cabinet. She grabbed a dirty mixing bowl and thumped it into the sink with force making even more noise, but while it was helping with her anger, it didn’t solve much. She had been such a fool. Damon was exactly who she’d originally thought he was. Off chasing the next chance for fame, he charmed everyone in sight. She’d thought she was immune to his ways, but clearly she’d been wrong.

Kay slammed a drawer, nearly making the entire cottage shudder, and something in a nearby cabinet thudded. DamonHawkehad completely disregarded her feelings for another shot at climbing higher on the fame ladder. Their ghost hunting show was more important to him than she was. And Jessie Green? How could he be so blind? The man couldn’t see reason if it were on the end of his nose.

“Kay?” Her mother entered the cottage holding two mugs, steam curling up into the air. “I saw Damon leave. Everything okay?”

“Why do people ask that when it’s obvious things are not okay?” she snapped. But then Kay sighed and reached for a mug, recognizing the scent of peppermint tea. Chances were good it was spelled to help Kay think clearly. “Sorry, Mom. I don’t mean to take this out on you.”

“Want to ta—” Her mother chuckled. “Take a sip of your tea and then tell me what happened.”

Kay gave her a wry smile as she fell back to lean on the kitchen counter and cradled her mug in her hands. The idea to start a bakery of magically spelled goods was born from the way her mother and ancestors had helped each other with their moods for hundreds of years. “Rational thinking spell?”

“Yes. Drink some.”

Liquid that was hot but not enough to burn filled Kay’s mouth as she took a hefty swig. Anger wasn’t something she felt often, and she realized she might be overreacting a little. The spelled tea would help her with that though, and she took another swallow before saying, “Jessie Green is what happened.”

“Ah, the girl who tortured you at magic camp the summer you kissed Damon.”

Kay stared at her mother in surprise.

“Don’t be so shocked. You girls have a habit of forgetting I’m around when you’re talking.”

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