Page 43 of Witch Smitten
Jessie said, “You need to understand something about Kay Knight. She’s quite charming, but beneath her surface evil lurks.”
“Oh, my god.” Kay banged on the invisible barrier. “You’re the evil one! Damon!”
Completely oblivious to Kay, Damon let out a sigh. “Do you want my help getting rid of your spirit or not?”
At least he wasn’t buying her story. Kay watched in horror as Jessie tossed a handful of dust into the air and reached out to place her hand on Damon’s chest.
“No!” Kay screamed, immediately realizing Jessie had just spelled Damon in some way, and her first thought was that the woman was going to seduce him while he was too confused to deny her advances. Kay had to get to him.
Damon swayed a little on his feet, and Kay’s heart thudded in her chest like a bass drum as she stepped back and searched her brain for a spell that would break down Jessie’s barrier. She heard Jessie say, “You are not in love with Kay Knight. She is a temptress just like her ancestors. The very ones she threatened to have come harm me.”
“Temptress,” Damon repeated in a daze.
Kay turned to the barrier and let out a cry of frustration as she slapped her hands on it. “Damon!” She pounded her fists on the barrier hard enough that pain raced up her arms. She had to think of a spell before Jessie got Damon in her clutches. “Damn it.”
She gasped when she recalled a simple spell. “Of course!” She’d been thinking too hard because the answer was nearly child’s play. She recalled the spell she’d used once to get into her bedroom when she was a kid. Corinne had locked her out during one of their spats. Kay raised her hand to speak the incantation just as Celia appeared before her wrapping her in a cloud of fog.“Stop, Kay.”
“Seriously? You’re her spirit?” She blinked and try to peer through the fog to see past the ghost. “Celia, you cannot be on that woman’s side. Can’t you see she’s lying?”
“Yes, she is. But I didn’t come for her. I’m here for you and Damon.”
“I told Damon we couldn’t trust you, and you’re proving why.”
“You really do have a problem with that, don’t you?”
“Celia! Can we save the character assessment for another time? Get out of my way.” She raised a hand to warn the spirit to move before Kay sent her flying into another stratosphere. Wind whipped around them as she opened up the channels to pull the powers from her ancestors.
Celia didn’t seem phased.“Relax, Kay. So dramatic! I do love it, but Damon isn’t in danger.”
“Relax?” Kay blinked in confusion as she wondered why Celia was so calm. “Did you not just see Jessie spell him? He’s not thinking clearly. Please, Celia,” she begged. “Let me help him.”
When Celia didn’t react, Kay glared at the ghost and spread her arms out and into the air palms up, allowing her powers to build. Pictures rattled against the walls, and the floor shook as centuries of Knight spirits began to stir to lend a hand. “You don’t want me as an enemy.”
Celia chuckled as if Kay were putting on a show.“You really are impressive. Of course one never wants a Knight witch as an enemy, but Kay, darling—”She moved to stand behind Kay and placed her chilly fingers on her shoulders.
The rage in Kay began to dissipate. The ghost was using her power too. It only took seconds for Kay to drop her hands, and she realized that blasting Celia out of the galaxy might be a bit much. “What am I supposed to do? I can’t let Jessie coerce Damon!”
“Trust in your love and just watch.”
The fog cleared and finally, Kay could see Damon again. He had moved to sit at the table and his head was in his hands. The spell Jessie had performed was causing him distress, and it made Kay’s heart ache for him. But it seemed she wasn’t supposed to interfere. The truth was she knew Celia did want good things to happen for people and that she likely was on her side, but it was hard to stand back and watch the scene unfold. “I don’t understand why you don’t want me to help him.”
“Trust, my dear. Try it on for size.”
Kay swallowed hard as she thought about how Damon had asked her to believe his intentions were real. How she’d known from the start of their relationship that she’d need to trust him if things between them were going to work. Yet here she was, in a situation that could have been avoided if she had believed he was sincere. She thought about the way he’d asked for her help and she hadn’t trusted him enough to come. Love wasn’t a one-way street and it was time she gave a little. “Okay.”
“Damon,” Jessie cooed as she stood behind the chair he was in and squeezed his shoulders. “I’m the witch you were meant to claim.”
“Claim,” he said, lifting his head as she frowned. “No, I wanted to claim Kay, but she needed to claim me.”
“That’s right, Damon,” Jessie said as he turned in his chair to face her. “She tricked you.”
He shook his head. “No.” He got up abruptly, and the chair he was in toppled over as he stepped back from Jessie.
“How is he fighting her spell?” Kay asked, shocked that Damon could actually move away from her as well as question what Jessie was saying.
“The power of true love, Kay. Keep watching.”
“Damon.” Jessie stepped up to him and wrapped her fingers around his arm.