Page 46 of Witch Smitten
“Ugh,” Damon blew out a breath of air. “I know you’re not ready for something as serious as marriage. I’m not either. I’ve—”
“Damon, it’s okay. I’m not afraid of your feelings. I know you’d never rush me into something.”
“Oh.” Relief rushed in, and that should have been enough. But he wanted to know how she felt, and he couldn’t stop himself from fishing for information. “You weren’t horrified?”
“Not in the least.” Kay placed a hand on his shoulder. “But I do need time. I think I’ve got some saving up to do if I’m going to get you the ring you deserve.”
“Ah, jeez. I don’t expect you to ask me. I love you so much, Kay, but I’ve got a few things to figure out about my life before I’m ready, too. I’ll ask when I think we’re both ready.Ifwe’re ready.”
Kay leaned in and glanced at his mouth before she said. “When. I love you, and I’ve claimed you as my witch, Damon. I’m not letting go.”
She kissed him lightly, and as much as he wanted to sink back down on the couch with her, Damon needed to say something first. He broke away. “I’m sorry about not believing you earlier. I should have listened to you about Jessie.”
“I’m sorry, too. Jessie would have never managed to get as far as she did if I’d gone with you. I should have trusted you. You were only being careful and making sure she wasn’t in danger.”
“That’s true,” He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger and tugged her closer. “But I should have taken someone with me instead of going alone.” He kissed her before he said, “No more ghost hunting solo for either of us.”
“Deal.” Kay kissed him, hard, and she pushed him down on the couch and claimed his mouth the way she’d claimed his heart. He could have kissed her forever, but she stopped and sat up again. “Do you want to talk to me about the things you need to figure out?”
He sat up to join her as Kay tucked a leg underneath her and faced him on the couch. Her lips were red, her hair was messy from their kissing, and he was sure he’d never seen her look more beautiful. There was no doubt in his mind they would spend the rest of their lives together, and he wanted to figure out what that would look like, because he didn’t want it to be in the public eye. Damon said, “I’ve been giving my career some thought. While it’s been fun being a small-time celebrity, it doesn’t give me the joy it once did.”
Kay nodded. “I’ve only gotten a taste of notoriety, but it must be hard to be recognized most places you go.”
“It’s getting that way. It was good for my ego at first, but now I find myself getting annoyed, which is completely unfair to my fans. They’re the reason I even matter.”
“That’s not true, Damon. I’ve seen the good you do for the magical community. You’re proving a valuable resource to witches and regular people, too.”
“Thanks. That’s nice to hear, and I’d still like to continue educating people but in a less flashy way.”
She shifted on the couch and settled back. “That’s why you want to work with Jessie. To branch out into something less visible?”
“Yes. My first idea is to create magic kits for budding witches. Simple spells with the supplies needed, tips and tricks, and ideas for building on the basics to create spells for specific needs.” He waved his hand in the air to emphasize his point. “Think Legos and chemistry sets for witches.”
“I like it. I’m sure non-magical kids would want to try them out, too.” Kay frowned. “But they wouldn’t work.”
“They would if they were spelled. Perhaps for a few uses. You never made it to my magic show at the fair, but I’ve tested out a few different kit ideas in small batches and sold them at my show.”
“Interesting. How did it go?”
“People were fascinated by the history of our craft as well as understanding how spells work. I’m not giving away secrets, but my kits do educate the public enough so that they can become comfortable with what we do.”
Kay’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Damon, that’s huge. I see why you want to work with Jessie to get the kits out there.”
He knew she’d get it, and he grinned as he went on to explain more of his plan. When he was done, Kay said, “Goodness, you’re practically creating an online school for young witches with an education piece for the general public. Have you talked to my mother about this yet?”
“No. But I need to.”
“She’ll be all over it, probably write a column or two about you, and I’m sure she’ll do anything you need to help get your idea off the ground.”
Damon took Kay’s hand. “Thank you for believing in me. I hope my fans feel the same way.”
“They will.” Kay squeezed his fingers. “You have more than charm. You genuinely care about people. It’s going to be an asset for your new business venture.”
His chest swelled with happiness. Not only had he found a woman who made his heart soar, but he knew he did the same for her. He slid a hand up her arm and gazed into her face as his emotions overwhelmed him to the point his throat tightened. “Kay Knight, I don’t think I could love anyone more than I love you.”
She sighed with a dreamy smile on her face. “I love you more than words can express, Damon. Thank you for coming back into my life.”
He thought about all the years he’d wanted to, and it would be easy to wonder if they’d missed out because he’d stayed away. But he knew better. They’d both needed to grow and take the steps necessary to be ready to really love with an open heart. He tipped her chin up with his finger to kiss her and let their love flow.