Page 15 of Plunge
What if they’re the type who doesn’t wear rings?
Who, the fuck, would let that beautiful gem walk the face of the earth and not lay claim to her? Not one man in his right man. If he’s been given rights to her heart, the smart thing to do would be to let everyone in the world know who is giving it to her on the regular. No way in fuck would she walk around ringless.
Like you did, Asshole?
If I’m not hallucinating or having some messed up mental moment, then I’m getting a second chance. If that’s the case, I’m not about to fuck this up again.
Slipping into Hope’s office, I take a seat on the other side of her desk. She looks over from her computer screen to give me a quizzical look.
“Hey to you too.”
“You’re here. Why?”
Her question isn’t one I was expecting so it takes me a moment to come up with a response.
“Why am I here in your office? Why am I here in the building? Or why am I in existence? I have an answer for the first. I might have an answer for the second. The third one, possibly, isn’t a question for me. I could take a crack at it, but do you really want me to do that?”
Hope laughs then shakes her head.
“Why are you in my office, Jaxson?”
“Funny you should ask that.” I adjust myself in my seat before I continue. “I was just in ...”
Her computer chimes then bell goes off on her phone. She turns then quickly stands.
“Shit. Sorry. I need to go. I have a meeting.” She kisses the top of my knee as she passes. “We’ll talk later. I’m so happy you’re back. I’ll be glad to have some of these meetings off my plate. Right now, we’re putting together the anniversary event and we still haven’t come up with a theme. See you, Jax.”
I’ll have to ask her about that later. I pace Hope’s office, trying to work out what I want to say. I should know since I’ve thought about her and this moment plenty of times over the years.
I make my way back to my office. Only to find she’s no longer there.
Did I dream she was here? It could’ve been someone else.
I guess I’ll find out from Hope later. Or I could just leave it alone. It’s not like this was something she arranged. I’m not pushing myself on her. Her choice was to leave.
Decision ... not so much made but accepted, I turn my focus to the task of getting reacquainted with my office. It’s the safest thing for me to do.
Chapter 6