Page 48 of Plunge
“I’m going, Bossy Pants. BTW, I don’t like Bossy Journee.”
“I love you too. Now, GO!”
Thirty minutes later, I'm meeting Journee at the front doors of a hotel I know far too well.
“Hi honey! you look absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait. let's go.”
I laughed to myself as I try to keep up with journey who seems to be double timing it too an elevator.
“OK you're going to have to tell me why you're so excited.”
“I'll tell you tomorrow. just know it'll be worth it.”
“you're being weird.”
She scarves then makes a face.
“what's new about that? you're going to lose it when you see how gorgeous it is. it's everything we thought it would be and more.”
I'd expect nothing less given where we are and who is behind the event.
The moment you step off the elevator a large sign with the word “hope” in capital letters and the colors of the HFH enter is what greets guests. There is a wall of banners that showcase what the auction items are that are being donated by JD J on one wall. on the other wall is a large green television that has photos of different families that have then helped by Hope House. the lighting of the walkway from the elevator or stairwell to the entrance is low and shifts between the colors of Hope House. The doors that lead to the actual rooftop are decorated with lights and balloons that match the color scheme.
It’s spectacular and I’m awestruck. I haven’t even made it to the event space. Journee leads me out to the rooftop and an audible gasp escapes my lips. A rooftop that was already breathtakingly gorgeous has been transformed into this magnificent space with a white backdrop. That backdrop is created by lines and lines of light that have been strung up around the entirety of the roof. Everywhere a person looks, there are lights. Guests walk through a small hallway created by the lights then through a curtained area which prevents attendees from seeing anything until they walk through.
Once on the other side, absolutely, stupendously gorgeous. In keeping with the theme of Hope House colors, tables with clear vases have flowers that match perfectly. Round lanterns are hanging in the center “stage” area. The outer areas have rectangular lights that cast the colors on the guests walk by.
“I told you,” Journee says. “Aren't you glad I made you come?”
“Yes! this is ...”
“So much more.”
“I know right?”
“Alright. you're here. I'm here. let's do this.”
for the next half an hour, Journee and I make our rounds. the entire time, I feel like I'm being watched. I know he's here. I can feel the familiar pole that says he's in the area. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to lay eyes on him.
Journee gets called away, which means I'm left alone to fend for myself until she can return to my side. While she's away, add decide to venture to one of the other areas. from far off, I could swear the woman standing add a reception area is my mother. She has her same dark hair. My mother colors her hair to keep the gray away. Her profile looks exactly like my mother's. I wonder why she's here. She's not one to usually come to things like this. mother considers herself a walking charity. She once said something about in the type to write the check but not get her hands dirty.
Gotta love a woman like that. Apparently, husband number four, I think it is, does. I'm making my way to where she is when I see a little girl. The little girl as huge, beautiful eyes, straight brown hair that's pulled up into two ponytails, and huge smile on her face as she runs back to the woman side. I freeze right where I'm standing. it isn't the girls looks that get me. It's the laugh. It sounds exactly the same.
Just like hers. Just like my baby girls. I feel my legs give out as my hands began to shake. I feel like I'm in quicksand about to be taken under. His voice call to me and keeps me above the depth of darkness.
“Brooklynn? Brooklynn, are you okay?”
Tears stream down my face as I shake my head. He leads me away. I don't know where we're going but I walk with him. I can't stop crying. The tears keep coming. A woman who comes into my line of side. Just as quickly as she comes, she goes. He says something but I can't really hear him.
I'm still sobbing. I can't get the tears to stop. My breaths are coming too fast and so are the tears. I'm in a car, not the one I arrived in, but another one. I'm still crying. All I can see is the little girl. The more I see her the harder I cry.
I don't know where we end up. all I know is I feel cushion beneath my body before I feel the warmth of him surround me. that warmth is my comfort as I feel the tears and pain starts to subside. I curl into his chest and drift off to sleep dreaming of different life and a happy family.
Sometime in the night I get antsy. I have all this nervous energy bundled up inside of me. The scent of him surrounds me. Like I'm dreaming. I'm too warm, so I slip out of my dress. He must have felt the same because I feel his skin next to mine when I crawl back into him.
We’re beneath some covers or a sheet is above us. I touch his chest then run my hand down his stomach until I can slip it beneath his boxers. When I come in contact with his semihard shaft, I moan. I missed this so much. Using my thumb, I rob slowly over the tip. He jumps in my hand. Stroke my hand up and down the length then run my nail over the vein that I know is sure to get his attention. His eyes popped open and focus on mine.
“You're entering dangerous territory there, Blaze.”